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Monster Kitchen and Bar Open! Book
Hotel Hotel Friday 21:22 PM

The daily rituals of others (part two)

Susan Sontag photographed by Peter Hujar (1975)

Susan Sontag

Starting tomorrow — if not today:
I will get up every morning no later than eight. (Can break this rule once a week.)
I will have lunch only with Roger [Straus]. (Can break this rule once every two weeks.)
I will write in the Notebook every day.
I will tell people not to call in the morning, or not answer the phone.
I will try to confine my reading to the evening. (I read too much — as an escape from writing.)
I will answer letters once a week.

Benjamin Franklin's daily planner

Benjamin Franklin

Morning: The Question. What good shall I do this day.
5 – 7am: Rise, wash. and address Powerful Goodness! Contrive day’s business, and take the resolution of the day; prosecute the present study, and breakfast.
9 – 11am: Work.
12 -1pm: Read or look over my accounts and dine.
2 – 5pm: Work.
6 – 9pm: Put things in their places. Supper. Music or diversion, or conversation. Examination of the day.
10pm – 4am: Sleep.

Gertrude Stein photographed by Horst P. Horst (1946)

Gertrude Stein

Gertrude Stein found inspiration in her car. She would sit in it daily and write poetry on scraps of paper.

Gerhard Richter photographed by Lothar Wolleh (1970)

Gerhard Richter

Gerhard Richter has stuck to the same routine for years. He wakes at 6.15am and makes breakfast for his family. He’s in at his studio by 8am. He stays there until the evening (with a short escape for lunch). His days aren’t filled with painting, but planning and procrastination. He doesn’t start painting until he has created a crisis for himself.

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