Kim Huynh and Batman, photographer unknown
Why we need Batman
Why is Batman so much better than Superman? What is it about the caped crusader that makes him perpetually cool? What does the Dark Knight reveal about our struggle for truth and justice? What would great philosophers like Plato and Nietzsche have to say about Batman, the Joker and Gotham? What does Batman have to teach us about contemporary politics and conflict? Why is he my hero? If these questions ignite your bat senses then suit up and come along to this dynamic lecture and discussion (dressing up is encouraged but not required).
Kim Huynh is an ANU lecturer of international relations and political philosophy who has an ABC 666 Breakfast segment on pop politics. His debut work of fiction is entitled Vietnam as if… Tales of youth, love and destiny (ANU Press 2015).
This talk is held in conjunction with the ANU Film Group which is showing Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice after the forum. Tickets are $15 for a week’s worth of films and $40 per semester. See https://www.anufg.org.au/
When | Thursday 5 May at 6pm |
Where | Coombs Lecture Theatre, ANU |
More | Australian National University |
“Stercus accidit.” — David Hume.