Everyday instances

The Dailies
For the 25th Kaldor Public Art Project, Thomas Demand’s series ‘The Dailies’ occupies an entire floor of Harry Seidler’s structure for the Commercial Travellers’ Association in Sydney, Australia. The floor of sixteen bedrooms, which house The Dailies, extend off a circular corridor creating a labyrinthine effect. Demand’s images sit above the beds in each room, the transient scenes capturing everyday moments and objects, suspended in time like the environment around them. He offers only traces – signs of consumption, or the spectres of things left behind.
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Sacrifice your body
Esoteric, exotic and mildly erotic in equal measure, Roe Ethridge’s ‘Sacrifice Your Body’ is a wonderful distillation of his particular brand of “synthetic photography”. Intriguing, odd and downright bizarre motifs and themes intermesh – from Chanel shoot outtakes and jarring still-lifes to an orchestrated scenario in which a brand new Durango SUV was driven into a Florida canal and later salvaged from the sludge.
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‘Blush’ is a sumptuous compile of the work of renowned Melbourne photographic artist Janina Green. A non linear narrative of unconnected images taken over 22 years. Stunningly published by Helen Frajman’s local M.33 imprint.
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Conflict Resolution
Louis Porter’s ‘Conflict Resolution’ might be described as a series of typologies. The project is part of Porter’s wider archive, which tracks fragments, markers and traces of minor suburban conflict – the kind that can be unearthed amid the streets, buildings, vehicles and detritus of any modern town or city. The book offers a very different vantage on conflict, considering its cumulative effects on the psyche of place. Published by Porter’s own Twenty Shelves imprint (Melbourne).
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I Cannot Repeat What I Hear
The work of artist Natalie Czech, presented here in ‘I Cannot Repeat What I Hear’, skirts concrete poetry and conceptual photography. Here, she focuses on the writing process and its inherent possibilities. In many instances, she uses newspaper articles, record covers, books, different iPad models and Kindle readers as source material and supporting media for her poems and creates a dialogue between printed text and illustration, the literary form of a poem and the artistic practice of photography. Published by Spector Books (Leipzig).
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