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Monster Kitchen and Bar Open! Book
Hotel Hotel Wednesday 4:25 AM

Valerie’s moods

Type ‘Valerie Restarick’ in the google machine and you won’t come up with much. It's not because she hasn’t been working away making really beautiful ceramics for the last fifteen years.

Biological, geological, temporal

Steven has made two installations in the NewActon precinct (where we are) that act as a link between Nishi (the building we’re in…) and the greater Canberra (the city we’re in…) landscape.

An invitation to occupy and the twelve obsessions

Meet Bob Earl of Oculus, a think tank/design studio/landscape architecture studio/lots of other things. In addition to all these hats Bob is a self-confessed chocolate slut from Queens.

Lou and the Griffins

Lou Weis is the kind of guy you meet at a party and start a really interesting conversation with that forces you to excuse yourself to go to the bathroom every ten minutes.