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Monster Kitchen and Bar Open! Book
Hotel Hotel Thursday 23:15 PM

Botanical soundscape by Dylan Martorell

A soundscape of the Australian National Botanical Gardens made by Dylan Martorell for our 'Making as Meditation - patterns from plants' workshop with Sally Blake as part of Fix and Make last week...

Brutti was very Buoni

'Brutti ma Buoni' is the name of a biscuit. It literally translates from Italian as 'ugly but nice'. It's also the name of the short film we commissioned about Brutalist architecture in Canberra.

Somewhere Else

Photos by Abigail Varney of Canberra.

Xylouris White

You can’t walk into a Xylouris White gig and not not walk out a little different.

Some Canberra tennis clubs

Whooot! Summer! We're so glad you're finally here. If we could kiss you on the mouth we would.

Lee’s Landscapes

A collection of photos by Lee Grant taken on bush walks in and around Canberra.

A fold of chairs

The collective noun for chairs is a fold of chairs. There is also such a thing as a fold of sheep. And a fold of cattle. An unkindness of ravens. A flight of stairs. There is a mob of wombats...

When Lisa Sorgini Slept Over

Lisa Sorgini came and slept over the other week. She gave a new nice meaning to getting egg on your face.

The Backroads to Canberra

Axel Moline of 'Love Want' has come to stay a few times now... He always takes the backroads when he comes down from Sydney... And he always takes good photos.

Daily Rituals by Jessica Tremp

Jessica Tremp came to stay and she took some photos while she was here. We made a visual essay with them.