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Monster Kitchen and Bar Open! Book
Hotel Hotel Friday 13:35 PM

It is a curious thought, but it is only when you see people looking ridiculous that you realise just how much you love them. — Agatha Christie

Daily Rituals is a new creative project and ongoing study by Hotel Hotel that explores the weird and wonderful things people do regularly as rituals.

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Mike Whitney

Emily Sexton reading in bed by Lee Grant

The Ritual of Limbering Up

Aussie cricket wild-man and television raconteur Mike Whitney is coming to play with us. Twelve tests, 38 one day matches in the 80s golden age of cricket. Border, Boon, Waugh, Whitney. Some of you might remember this true blue Aussie legend from his role as referee on the 1995 TV series, Gladiator or as host of Who Dares Wins. Or, perhaps you’ve seen him recently impersonating David Attenborough Sydney Weekender. Anyway… What a guy. Does this man age? No, he doesn’t. Why? He takes care of himself. Clearly. Get bendy with him and us on Tuesday 2 June when he leads The Ritual of Limbering Up in the Monster salon. All welcome. No special dress required – tight pants encouraged.
All welcome. Meet at the HH reception desk at 5.30pm for this one off pre-dinner stretch fest.

The Ritual of Reading in Bed

On Saturday 3 May, Emily Sexton, Head of Programming at the Wheeler Centre performed a reading from the bed of room 203. Ten hotel guests piled on in for the first in an ongoing series of bedtime stories.

Barrie Barton talks mortality

The Ritual of Long Walks

On Saturday 9 May, Barrie Barton, Director of Right Angle Studio led a long walk and rambling talk through the gardens, trails and architecture of the Australian National University. Taking a journey through his old stomping ground, Barrie talked mortality and the movement of time (big ones!) dreams and truths, how to survive in Canberra and why birthdays are good for you.


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An invitation to occupy and the twelve obsessions

Meet Bob Earl of Oculus, a think tank/urban design/landscape architecture studio/lots of other things. In addition to all these hats Bob is a self-confessed chocolate slut from Queens. Over three kinds of chocolate bars we talked about the creation of Hotel Hotel and its surrounds.

For most developments, landscape architecture usually ends up being the add-on at the end, as a garnish for the main course, which is the building itself. Not so for Nishi, Hotel Hotel’s home. Bob is the guy that has been there from the very beginning, he has shaped the way that the building looks, inside and out, how it feels and what it communicates.

Bob’s job hasn’t been to pretty up the exteriors with whatever plants are hot right now (nien, spit, nien) but to create a sense of domesticity, of beautiful every day, of intimacy, of coming somewhere for the first time but feeling at home.

The overall statement of the project has been an invitation to occupy the space.

The process is infinitely more interesting than a description of the end product itself (you’ll just have to come and take a look to know what its really like.. Stay a while… Be part of the landscape). To understand the process you need to know about what Bob calls ‘The Twelve Obsessions’, the quiet and ever changing non-manifesto that Oculus works by.

The designs for Hotel Hotel and Nishi have changed countless times but have always had these obsessions in mind. As Bob poetically puts it, “seeds have been sown by countless people, only to germinate months later, and lead us on a new direction. So much so that there is an authorless quality to the project”. The plans have changed just as many times, and to be honest, “I’m not sure what anything is anymore, but it’s good”.

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Makes 15


  • 500gms plain flour
  • 3 teaspoons bi-carb
  • 7gms dried yeast
  • 30gms caster sugar
  • 30mls lukewarm water
  • 800mls full cream milk
  • 50gms butter


Dissolve yeast and sugar in warm water and set aside in a warm area.

Place butter on the stove with 200mls of the milk and heat to melt the butter. Sift flour and bi-carb into a large bowl. Once butter mixture is hot add to remaining milk and stir to mix.

Add yeast and sugar mixture to the milk and stir. Create a well in the flour and slowly whisk in the milk and yeast mixture. Don’t over mix. Leave the mixture to prove overnight in fridge or leave mixture to stand for minimum 30 minutes.

Warm a non-stick pan and grease the inside of some egg rings. Half fill rings with mixture and leave to cook for 5 minutes each, no need to flip over.

Serve immediately with good butter and raw honey.

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Junk Drawer Number One

The Griffins

Rediscovering the beauty of the primitive modernism and environmentalism of the Burley Griffins. – Lou Weis

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Lou and the Griffins

Lou Weis is the kind of guy you meet at a party and start a really interesting conversation with that forces you to excuse yourself to go to the bathroom every ten minutes to go and look up an art or design reference on Wikipedia in order to keep up. Very intelligent, very eloquent, and a big brain full of information and effortless intertextuality.

Lou is the Creative Director of Broached Commissions, a context driven design company that makes limited edition design collections each based on a different event in Australian history. Say what now? I know, read it again but slowly.

Broached was commissioned by Hotel Hotel to theorise about how to place the hotel within the history of Canberra design (the little city where Hotel Hotel lives) and to create functional objects for the public lounge that communicate these theorisings.

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Phill Rushby

On paper, Phill is the director of sales and marketing at Molonglo Group

But really his business card should read ‘that nice guy that thinks a lot about people and place and is involved in the operation of everything”. He’s the guy that gets things working.

Phill has been working on Hotel Hotel since day dot. He is particularly involved in Hotel Hotel that he sees as a place that can help those people that travel for work to re-remember that they are human even if they have to wear a tie during the day.

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Eggplant, smoked goat’s curd, katsuobushi and sesame

Serves 6


  • 3 eggplants
  • Sea salt
  • Vegetable oil
  • 1 tablespoon black sesame seeds (lightly toasted and gently crushed)
  • 1 tablespoon white sesame seeds (lightly toasted and gently crushed)
  • 1/2 bunch shiso
  • 2 or 3 black radishes (sliced thinly on a mandolin)
  • Some nori sheets
  • 1/2 cup light soy
  • 1/2 cup rice vinegar
  • 2 tablespoons white sugar
  • 1 cup of goats curd
  • 1/2 cup Smoking chips
  • Katsuobushi (dried bonito flakes, any good Asian grocer stocks these)


Smoked goats curd

In the restaurant we have a smoker but at home you could use a Webber or a Chinese steamer. Line a steamer basket with cheese cloth and add the goat’s curd. Place the smoking chips on a layer of foil in a saucepan (choose a saucepan that the steamer sits snug on top of so not too much smoke escapes).

Heat the smoking chips over a medium flame. When starting to smoke, ignite the chips and allow to burn until all the smoking chips are evenly alight. Remove from the heat and snuff the flame out by placing a lid on top. Once the flame is out, quickly remove the lid and place the steamer basket with the goats curd on top, allow the smoke to slowly dissipate (about 15 minutes). If all this seems like too much effort, straight goat’s curd will do. Transfer the smoked goat’s curd to a piping bag and refrigerate.

Marinated eggplant

First salt the eggplant. Slice the eggplant widthways into 1 inch thick slices and sprinkle fairly generously with salt. Leave the eggplant salting in a colander whilst you prepare the marinade. Combine the rice vinegar, light soy and sugar, heat just until the sugar is dissolved, set aside. Back to the eggplant, completely rinse the salt off under running water and pat dry. Heat about 3 tablespoons of the vegetable oil in a large pan and fry the eggplant slices until nicely caramelised on both sides and cooked through. This could also be done on a hot grill on a BBQ. When all the eggplant is cooked pour over the soy marinade and allow it to marinate for an hour or so.

To assemble and serve

Remove eggplant from marinade. Arrange the marinated eggplant on a serving platter and pipe the goats curd randomly over the eggplant. Sprinkle the toasted sesame seeds over the marinated eggplant, scatter the radish slices, tear some of the shiso leaves and nori sheets over the top and finish with the katsuobushi shavings.

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Johnathan and Nectar Efkarpidis, founders

Brothers Johnathan and Nectar Efkarpidis are the founders of Hotel Hotel.

To break down their roles in simplistic terms; Nectar’s brain will periodically explode with a creative and challenging concept after which Johnathan will patiently and fastidiously collect the pieces, turning them into a plausible and workable business venture.

Johnathan has a fierce insistence on sustainable projects (environmentally and in terms of community), Nectar a passion for all things artistic, and both have a love for the curious, the well made and the considered.

They pursue a collaborative approach to the development of new ideas that help support the global sustainability movement, local artists, designers and small industry.

They love hotels for their transience, for the way that they create a public space that can connect people and ideas. They see the hotel as a vessel for delivering culture, art, a rejuvenation of the artisan and importantly a place for all kinds of people to meet and mix it up.

The brothers looked to re-consider their hotel with a meaningful and relevant typology for its location, Canberra. They see it as a starting point that will evolve organically over time and with the input of guests, staff, visitors and loafers.

Johnathan, Nectar and their family of collaborators at Molonglo Group have conceived of and directed every aspect of the creation of Hotel Hotel. From the design of the building it sits in, to the design and curation of the interiors spaces, right down to the selection of refurbished mid 20th century Australian made chairs placed in each room.

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