The daily ritual of burrowing into bed. Made in collaboration with U-P and Alyssa McClelland. Starring Alyssa McClelland in Creative Sun room 205.
- Stories
- People
- Daily Rituals
- Fix and Make
- What's On
The daily ritual of burrowing into bed. Made in collaboration with U-P and Alyssa McClelland. Starring Alyssa McClelland in Creative Sun room 205.
Things we are thinking about,
people we've met and what’s on in Canberra.
WHEN Runs 23 August to 10 September
WHEN Friday 28 July to Friday 11 August
WHERE Hotel Hotel Cabinets
WHEN Thursday 10 August, 7:30PM - 9:30PM
WHERE Ainslie Arts Centre
WHEN Friday 10 November and Saturday 11 November
WHERE Shine Dome
WHEN Tuesday 25 July, from 6PM
WHERE Canberra Environment Centre
WHEN Thursday 27 July from 8.30PM
WHERE Arc Cinema, NFSA
Jessica Tremp came to stay and she took some photos while she was here. We made a visual essay with them.
Jessica Tremp came to stay and she took some photos while she was here. We made a visual essay with them.
A soundscape of the Australian National Botanical Gardens made by Dylan Martorell for our 'Making as Meditation - patterns from plants' workshop with Sally Blake as part of Fix and Make last week...
Made (with thanks) from sound recordings provided by the Australian National Botanic Gardens
‘Porosity Kabari’ by Trent Jansen, Richard Goodwin and Ishan Khosla is exhibiting at the Nishi Gallery in Canberra until Sunday 9 July.
‘Porosity Kabari’ is an interdisciplinary, cross-cultural, collaborative project between Australian object designer Trent Jansen, artist and architect Richard Goodwin, and Indian design thinker Ishan Khosla.
The trio worked over three weeks to produce furniture and object pieces made from materials and craftsmanship sourced solely from the ‘Chor Bazaar’ (thieves market) and ‘Kabari Bazaars’ (junk markets) in Mumbai, India.
The project is aptly named. Porosity – the ability of a membrane or material to let liquid and gases pass through it; or in this case ideas and people. Kabari – the Hindi work for junk.
The market neighbourhoods within which this project took place are where many of India’s useful objects end up. It is also where they are often given a second life – car panels are transformed into ad-hock cookers and old clothing is quilted into rugs for snake charmers. The designers learnt from conversation and experimentation with the vendors and crafts people working in these manic marketplaces.
The process challenged them to ‘make something from something else’ – the essence of sustainable design. In a society such as India, without many of the common social safeguards that other “more economically developed” nations enjoy, the survival is determined by people’s ability to be creative and resourceful. India is a place where resourcefulness is part of the everyday. On the flip side, developed nations struggle with the environmental implications of designed obsolescence and disposable consumption. This project forced the designers to adopt a human oriented design approach and to make do with what was on hand.
Works by Trent Jansen
For this project Trent Jansen explored the process of jugaad – of doing just enough with what you have on hand and figuring it out as you go. At first it made him a little nervous. In contrast to his usual thoroughly researched projects; and used to working through production processes in a strict and controlled environment; this three week jugaad process was a free fall.
The process was based on observations and reactions – generating ideas by improvising forms based on those that were possible and using the techniques and materials that were readily available. It was also improvised – options and problems were decided upon and solved as solutions came to mind and were therefore also dependant on current mood and state of mind. These reflexive decisions based on availability and mood determined the destiny of each object.
Jansen made a stool, side table and crockery from terracotta, ‘Jugaad with Pottery’, with potter Abbas Galwani; and stools from metal with a small metal workshop, reshaping a car bonnet, copper panels and copper rivets, ‘Jugaad with Car Parts’.
For ‘Dropping a Kubhar Wala Matka’ Jansen pays homage to Ai Wei Wei’s controversial work, ‘Dropping a Han Dynasty Urn’, 1995. In this work, Abbas Galwani, a kumbhar wala (potter) living and working in Dharavi, drops a traditional Indian Matka. With this act, Abbas denounces the cultural structures that restrict his social mobility, impede his ability to gain recognition and respect for his unquestionable skill, and hinder his capacity to provide for his family. The piece is a critique of the traditions and history that underpin Indian social conventions. In India, the kumbhar wala is among the lower castes, meaning that these craftspeople, who make functional objects serving millions of Indians on a daily basis, do not earn the respect that they deserve for their role within Indian society.
Works by Richard Goodwin
With his ‘Binary Maquettes’ Goodwin explores the ratio of the golden mean (1:√2 – one as to the square root of two) a mathematical ratio found in nature and used in design to create compositions that are in proportion. In ancient Greek philosophy, the golden mean is the desirable middle state between excess and deficiency. With these maquettes Goodwin investigates the current threats to our existence as human beings.
With his installation ‘1-√2 Charpai For Mumbai’ Goodwin combines a motor scooter and an Indian charpai bed. With this high-rise bed on the move he explores where the body ends and architecture begins. He ponders on the lessons that the Mumbai slums can offer for 21st century architecture – by drawing on its highly developed social constructions, the problems there can be continuously addressed by the people that live and work there.
With his ‘Klein Chair’ Goodwin explores his obsession with the Klein bottle – in mathematics, an impossible vessel that swallows itself, it has no inside or outside.
Works by Ishan Khosla
Khosla’s works meditate on his contemporary India.
‘Construct:Deconstruct’ is a collection of furniture made from found objects and pieces of wood scavenged from the streets of Mumbai. It references the cycle of material use and reuse (and further reuse) in India. These naïve objects don’t follow any design principles, choosing instead to emulate or force gestures – for example a stool that forces the sitter to prop one of their feet up (a common sitting pose in India).
‘Partition of the Mind’ represents the division between idealised “progress” and the economy in India versus traditional values and ideals of egalitarianism. With everyday domestic objects – brass thali, lassi glasses and tifins; Khosla speaks of the endless cycle of consumerism and desire in his globalised India and the increase in the divide between those with plenty and those with nothing.
‘Porosity Kabari’ is exhibiting at the Nishi Gallery in Canberra until Sunday 9 July.
Portrait of Abbas Galwani for 'Dropping A Kumbhar Wala Matka' by Trent Jansen. Shot by Trent Jansen. An homage to Ai Wei Wei’s controversial work, ‘Dropping a Han Dynasty Urn’, 1995.
'Dropping A Kumbhar Wala Matka' by Trent Jansen. Shot by Neville Sukhia.
'1-√2 Charpai For Mumbai' by Richard Goodwin. Shot by Neville Sukhia.
'Klein Chair' by Richard Goodwin. Shot by Neville Sukhia.
'Construct:Deconstruct' by Ishan Khosla. Shot by Neville Sukhia.
'Partition of the Mind' by Ishan Khosla. Shot by Neville Sukhia.
'Brutti ma Buoni' is the name of a biscuit.
It literally translates from Italian as 'ugly but nice'. It's also the name of the short film we commissioned about Brutalist architecture in Canberra. Co-directed by Coco & Maximilian and U-P the film's score is a live one performed by Speak Percussion.
Brutalist buildings are polarising beasts. Over here, we love them dearly. Some see them as oppressive and unliveable. We wanted to try and understand them in a different way - just through our eyes and ears.
Canberra's reception of the little Brutti last Friday at the Nishi Gallery was immense. We wanted to give everyone a big kiss on the mouth for coming out in the cold and for being a beautiful and thoughtful crowd. After the screening Tilman played modern minimalist records. We drank Monster cocktails and wine and talked about the need to protect and preserve our big Canberra brutes.
Below are some photos of the night shot by Arnad Hajdic.
Screening on Friday 2 June from 6.30PM at the Nishi Gallery. Monster will be running a cash bar. This event is free (like air) but spots are limited (like water) so please RSVP here.
‘Brutti ma Buoni’ is a commissioned work by Hotel Hotel which seeks to build knowledge and appreciation of Brutalist architecture in Canberra.
The work consists of two parts – a short film of Brutalist buildings, co-directed by Coco & Maximilian and U-P; and an accompanying score by Speak Percussion that interprets them aurally. Together they observe and orchestrally arrange Brutalism.
The screening and performance work together to create a different experience of Brutalism – one that doesn’t ask us what we think, but rather, one that asks us to feel and question Brutalist architecture with our senses.
What can we see when we really look at these monolithic structures in detail? When holding our gaze what do their rough textures, shadows and unadorned geometries reveal? What might these beasts sound like? Cavernous and vast? Drone-like? Repetitive? Hypnotic? Oppressive, optimistic or sublime?
This is the first screening and performance of ‘Brutti ma Buoni’ in Canberra – Australia’s home of Brutalism.
After the screening, Australian composer and sound designer Tilman Robinson will play a vinyl set with 20th century art music, modern minimalism and experimental music that reflects on the stark and modular nature of the brutalist-style.
‘Brutti ma Buoni’ features the interiors and exteriors of some of Canberra’s most notable Brutalist buildings including Llewellyn Hall, National Gallery of Australia, National Carillon, High Court of Australia, University of Canberra Village, and Black Mountain Library.
Here is a preview. Tix here.
Photography by Abigail Varney.
Making your own filo pastry takes a long time so I propose you use the shop bought Fillo Pastry brand. It has a nice crunchy texture and you can get it at most supermarkets.
Set yourself up on your work bench and lay the pastry flat. Separate the sheets with lots of care and brush each sheet one with the melted butter and sprinkle icing sugar over them to sweeten the crust. Repeat this with ten sheets and lay the sheets one on top over the other.
Just a side note on butter. Contrary to popular belief, butter is not the villain everyone says it is, especially if you use real, good quality butter. I suggest the unsalted Pepe Saya, it’s perfect.
Work quickly as the filo pastry tends to dry out.
Then cut the sheets in two length wise and in three width wise, this will give you six bases. Put each one into a baking tin that are around 5 centimeters in diameter (a muffin tin will work).
Don’t forget to press the base all around the tins to avoid them cooking into a funny shape.
Now it’s time to bake them at 180° Celsius for 10 to 15 minutes.
Ricotta creamUse an electric mixer and the paddle attachment to gently work the cream cheese for five minutes.
Then add the sugar and vanilla with love.
Before adding the ricotta the cream must be soft and fluffy. If it is go ahead and finish it with the secret ingredient – rose water.
ToppingsTake your filo cases out of the oven and let them cool a little. Then fill them to the top with the ricotta cream. Depending on how you feel top with as many lychees and raspberries as you want.
Arrange them and decorate them with the rose petals. These are really nice served with vanilla ice cream or berry sorbet. Or you can drizzle them with honey and eat them as they are.
You can’t walk into a Xylouris White gig and not not walk out a little different.
They tap into something primal, spiritual? – they blow away the modern skins of the body and leave you with just your ancient bones.
Through them we get to connect to our distant past. A reflex. It’s not music from someplace but music from everyplace. It’s music that reminds us that, despite our differences, inside, in this way, we are all the same.
Xylouris White came to play for us in the Monster Salon and Dining rooms on Saturday 11 March.
Xylouris White are George Xylouris and Jim White. Together their music is one of conversation and shared authorship. George is a Cretan singer and lute player – an instrument with a history of more than 3000 years that crosses borders like few others do. He sings in a deep baritone that vibrates through your core. Jim White is part of Melbourne’s enormously and long loved instrumental rock trio ‘Dirty Three’. He moves like a deep sea animal gliding from soldier's beats to ferocious to soft delicate sounds.
But first, we ate. Monster kitchen and bar chef Sean McConnell made us dinner based on things he had eaten on a recent trip to Athens. We served each other from small plates of fava beans, chicory and calamari. Pan-fried haloumi with tiny slivers of okra. Baked eggplant with Labna. Fish bones piled up on our plates as we ate sardines and small red fish in barbounaki style. We drank Ouzo and wine from Kelafonia, Thessaloniki and the Peloponnese.
Then came the music. The corked walls, terrazzo floors and low-hung perforated panelled wooden roof created a resonant sound that you couldn't escape from. There is no stage in there, so it felt like they were playing to us in our own family room.
Xylouris White played for two hours straight, treating us to two traditional syrtos that made the Greeks amongst us that night go a little wild. They twisted back and forth between an unstoppable barrage of power and gooey, transcendental melody. The final two songs had us all on our feet. The sounds they were making together seemed impossible. We were overcome.
Ευχαριστώ. Please come back soon.
Written by Dan Honey and Stéph Donse. Images shot by Will Neill. Song, 'Forging' by Xylouris White from their 'Black Peak' album.
'Stuck on you' made by Kirsten Perry.
Written by Dr Anika Ramholdt for the exhibition ‘Not Wow’ – new works by Kirsten Perry shown at Mr Kitly gallery (Melbourne) in October 2016.
Perry’s ceramics works, presented by Mr Kitly, are coming to Canberra to stay a while in the Cabinets on the ground floor. They’ll be on show from Saturday 11 March until Sunday 30 April.
There’s a lot of noise out there. Amidst the relentless wellness dogma and never-ending dog memes (although they’re pretty awesome), there’s very little space for personal reverie. That’s why it’s so refreshing to encounter objects and spaces (perhaps even people if we’re lucky), which we can experience intuitively rather than intelligibly. Things, which via their modesty, creep up on us slowly and affect us profoundly.
The Japanese aesthetic of wabi-sabi is pertinent to this idea. Often defined simplistically as a ‘nature based aesthetic paradigm’ [1] that celebrates the imperfect, accidental and modest, wabi-sabi is a complex and arguably indefinable nexus of spiritualism and the material world.
In his writing on wabi-sabi, Leonard Koren attempts to elucidate the characteristics of the aesthetic as private, idiosyncratic, intuitive, variable, natural, crude, ambiguous, impermanent and warm. The wabi-sabi universe, according to Koren, is where ‘things are either devolving toward, or evolving from, nothingness’[2]. Its objects and spaces are simultaneously crude and ancient, becoming and decaying. In this realm ‘beauty can be coaxed out of ugliness’ [3] and there is an obvious reverence for materiality, transience and impermanence.
Wabi-sabi is an aesthetic that can be all too easily ascribed to what Koren describes as ‘ostentatious austerity.’[4] Just because something has the hashtag of #authentic, #rustic or #totesnatural doesn’t mean that it innately typifies the cyclical nature of being and nothingness. We’re not all elevated to a state of spiritual ascension by a roughly whittled spoon, although we might be. Just because you’ve attached the doorknob poorly doesn’t make you a master of Zen balance. Entirely subjective, a wabi-sabi expression for one may be dismissed as insipidly quirky or just plain lazy by another. The essence of wabi-sabi, as I’ve come to understand it, lies in the invocation of transience, the reminder that nothing is permanent and therefore perfection is an impossible ideal.
We live in the wow. Floating in this soup of the over-cooked it’s sometimes nice to swim with the onions, to find something humble, to stumble upon a reliable pulse. Sipping at an ok but not particular wow green smoothie, it occurs to me that it’s hard out there for a Désirée potato; things aren’t what they used to be for white foods. In the ever-changing whirlwind of values and ideals it seems important to make one’s own shrine (metaphorically or otherwise) to that we she finds holy. Inside our private niche we pin and prop the objects, memories, values and experiences that pave the way to our unique ascension. Where personal reverie may eclipse for a moment the onslaught of dogma and dog memes and we can light a candle for poor Désirée, if that’s how we roll.
1 Koren, Leonard, ‘Wabi-Sabi for artists, Designers, Poets and Philosophers’ (Berkley, California: Stone Bridge Press, 1994), 9.
2 Koren, 40.
3 Koren, 51.
4 Koren, 72.
Eat Drink, Exhibition, Film, Music, Party, Performance, Shop, Talk, Workshop
An exhibition exploring the way we inhabit spaces, particularly the walls and hidden corners of our contemporary existence.
WHEN | Runs 23 August to 10 September |
WHERE | ANCA Dickson |
COST | Free |
Unlike most curious cabinets (otherwise known as wunderkammern) this exhibition draws on the other definition of 'curious' - those who are ‘eager to know or learn something’.
WHEN | Friday 28 July to Friday 11 August |
WHERE | Hotel Hotel Cabinets |
COST | Free |
Integrating Asian, African, and jazz influences, this is an utterly unique musical experience.
WHEN | Thursday 10 August, 7:30PM - 9:30PM |
WHERE | Ainslie Arts Centre |
GO | Tix |
The first ever design writing conference - looking at the way that design speaks and the way we speak about design. Keynote speakers include - Alice Rawsthorn and Dana Tomic Hughes.
WHEN | Friday 10 November and Saturday 11 November |
WHERE | Shine Dome |
GO | DCF |
Rejoice in the realities of being an adventurous woman; sweat stains, helmet hair, broken nails, dirty faces and all.
WHEN | Thursday 27 July from 8.30PM |
WHERE | Arc Cinema, NFSA |
GO |
Because sometimes you want to have a tacky night dancing to ABBA classics.
WHEN | Friday 28 July |
WHERE | Southern Cross Club |
GO |
Strangeways DJS, Megan Bones, Bob Crane (aka Soul Crane), Manila Folder, Genie, Radar (aka PMA) and a synthetic grass dance floor...
WHEN | Saturday 29 July from 8PM til late |
WHERE | Transit Bar |
GO |
A solo exhibition of work by Heidi Strachan, a recipient of the Emerging Artist Support Scheme Award.
WHEN | From 29 July to 20 August |
WHERE | Belconnen Arts Centre |
COST | Free |
GO |
Julia Johnson (Julia & the Deep Sea Sirens) with psychedelic synth-folk.
WHEN | Saturday 22 July from 9.30PM |
WHERE | Smiths Alternative |
GO |
Over the past 15 months Camp Cope have become a force in modern music, a wholly independent band. Supported by New York’s WORRIERS.
WHEN | Tuesday 19 September, from 8PM |
WHERE | The Basement |
GO |
A double feature of John Duigan’s personal and moving coming-of-age films.
WHEN | Saturday 26 August, from 5PM |
WHERE | Arc Cinema, NFSA |
COST | $14/$12 each |
GO |
Short stories, memoir, novel extracts, poems, monologues. Whatever you want as it's five minutes and under, and it's your own work. Sign up on the night.
WHEN | Tuesday 15 August, from 5:30PM |
WHERE | Smiths Alturnative |
COST | Free |
GO |
Featuring emerging Canberra artists, Tamsin McLure, Colin White and Rebecca Worth, these artists look for spirituality in the environment through their chosen medium.
WHEN | From the 12 to the 30 July |
WHERE | ANCA Dickson |
COST | Free |
An exhibition of watercolour paintings by the late Western Arrarnta artist Albert Namatjira of his Country.
WHEN | Opens 15 July |
WHERE | National Gallery of Australia |
GO | More |
Eat Drink
Angélique Peretto, is doing a cooking demonstration – how to make the MasterCake (the now supes famous green tea and raspberry mille feuille that Angélique made on MasterChef that time).
WHEN | Sunday 23 July, 3PM - 4:30PM |
WHERE | Hotel Hotel |
COST | $35 and include a drink and, of course, cake. |
GO | TIX |
Calm abiding meditation sessions.
WHEN | Every Tuesday, beginning 18 July, 6PM |
WHERE | Flow Yoga Studio @ Nishi, NewActon (‘H’ level, directly above Palace Electric Cinema) |
COST | $10 drop-in / free for Hotel Hotel guests (just rock up and show your room or apartment key) |
GO | Tibetan Buddhist Society of Canberra |
Escape the weight of a long winter and immerse yourself in our art playground. CANBERRA OBSCURA: METROPOLIS is a night of performance, beats, experimentation and the unexpected.
WHEN | Friday July 28 from 7PM to 11PM |
WHERE | Ainslie Arts Centre |
COST | $15 early bird | $20 presale | $25 on the door |
Waterford, Oranges, Betty Alto, Slow Turismo and Mondecreen with special guests.
WHEN | Saturday 29 July, from 8PM |
WHERE | Polish Club |
COST | $23.50 |
GO | TIX |
Sadness, is an examination of the tenuous boundaries between material and digital. Solo exhibition by Nicholas Shearer.
WHEN | From 9 to 19 August |
WHERE | Tributary Projects |
COST | Free |
GO | Tributary Projects |
BEAT reconciles Peter Maloney’s photographic work with the important context of industrial music in his practice, also highlighting and focusing on its gay content.
WHEN | Runs 3 - 6 August |
WHERE | Tributary Projects |
COST | Free |
GO | Tributary Projects |
INTO SPACE is a solo exhibition of constructions and installations from Kael Stasce.
WHEN | Runs 19 -22 July |
WHERE | Tributary Projects |
COST | Free |
GO | Tributary Projects |
Mexico after the Mexican Revolution and its subsequent independence from Spain. An exhibition of photographs that at once witnessed and created a new post-revolutionary identity.
WHEN | Until Sunday 26 November |
WHERE | National Gallery of Australia |
GO | More |
An exhibition by object designer Trent Jansen, artist/architect Richard Goodwin and design thinker Ishan Khosla of objects made from materials and craft sourced solely from Mumbai's junk markets.
WHEN | Opens on Friday 9 June at 6PM and runs until Sunday 9 July |
WHERE | Nishi Gallery |
COST | Free |
'Defying Empire' - the third national Indigenous art triennial.
WHEN | From Friday 26 May to Sunday 10 September |
WHERE | National Gallery of Australia |
GO | NGA |
The ever amazing Pipilotti Rist is in town with this immersive projection work that asks you to slow down, step inside the human, and dissolve your mind.
WHEN | Until Sunday 20 August |
WHERE | National Gallery of Australia |
COST | Free |
GO | NGA |
A newly commissioned triptych by Filipino artist, Rodel Tapaya - 'The promise land: the moon, the sun, the stars' (2016), as well as paintings, works on paper and sculptural installations.
WHEN | Until Sunday 20 August |
WHERE | NGA, Contemporary galleries |
COST | Free |
GO | NGA |
Film Talk
Screening and Q&A with Trevor Graham, director of 'Mabo: Life of an Island Man', 1993; and artist Gail Mabo.
WHEN | Wednesday 5 July from 7PM to 8.30PM |
WHERE | National Film and Sound Archive |
GO | More |
A talk with Ngambri-Ngunnawal elder, activist and artist, Matilda House.
WHEN | Friday 7 July from 1PM |
GO | More |
It’s time to ditch plastic. A talk with three plastic free lovelies on how to do it and why.
WHEN | Wednesday 19 July from 6PM to 7PM |
WHERE | The Food Co-op |
COST | Free but you need to RSVP |
GO | More |
Newcastle surf punks Wavevom are down to celebrate their second album 'Eternal Summer'. Banging about with TOTTY and Marlon Bando.
WHEN | Saturday 8 July from 8PM |
WHERE | Lowbrow |
COST | $5 / $10 |
GO | More |
Lower Body with PTSD, Video Breezy and Loveplus - celebrating Lower Body's new cassette - 'The Lower Body Demonstration' with songs heart break and sexual frustration.
WHEN | Saturday 1 July at 7.30PM to 11PM |
WHERE | The Front |
GO | More |
A ghost tour of the National Film and Sound Archive (previously home to the Institute of Anatomy) with Tim the Yowie man.
WHEN | Friday 14 July from 8PM to 10.15PM |
WHERE | National Film and Sound Archive |
COST | $59 |
GO | Scary |
Live music, face painting, jumping castle, a magic show, dance, performance art, stalls and a fire.
WHEN | Friday 30 June from 4PM to 9PM |
WHERE | Hobart Place |
GO | More |
An exhibition by Clare Jackson - etchings exploring personal experience through depictions of reminiscent yet constructed spaces
WHEN | Opens Thursday 6 June at 6PM until Saturday 22 July |
WHERE | Megalo Print Studio and Gallery |
GO | More |
Message of love and truth through blues and folk Wiradjuri style with John Huckle.
WHEN | Saturday 1 July at 7PM |
WHERE | Smith's |
COST | $10 |
GO | More |
Works by Gemma Bonshek Kane, John Hart, Saara March, Steve Roper that imagine the subconscious imagination.
WHEN | Until Sunday 2 July |
WHERE | M16 |
GO | More |
Slamboree with with poetry and rapper Fresh Violet (she'll be rapping about breakfast and potentially other meals).
WHEN | Friday 30 June |
WHERE | The Front |
GO | More |
In this lunch-time talk Rebecca Roke, author of ‘Mobitecture’ and ‘Nanotecture’ (published by Phaidon Press), will discuss mobile architecture in all its variety.
WHEN | Wednesday 5 July, 12:30PM - 1:15PM |
WHERE | Mosaic Room, Hotel Hotel |
COST | $25, includes lunch |
GO | TIX |
From slam poets to experimental musicians, The Salt Room effortlessly weaves together performance and storytelling to showcase some of the brightest sparks in the national poetry scene.
WHEN | Friday 7 July, from 7:30PM |
WHERE | AGAC Main Hall |
COST | $10 / $15 |
GO | TIX |
Music, theatre, dance, spoken word and song. After a sold-out event at the National Film and Sound Archive earlier this year, Sound and Fury returns to Nishi Gallery.
WHEN | Saturday 15 July, 8PM to late |
WHERE | Nishi Gallery |
COST | $20 |
GO | TIX |
Canberra Symphony Orchestra returns to NewActon for another instalment in the popular Kids' Cushion Concert series.
WHEN | Tuesday 11 July, 10AM and 11.15AM |
WHERE | Nishi Grand Staircase |
COST | $10 kids / Free for supervising adults |
GO | TIX |
Mozart, String Quintet in G minor, K516. In the Salon. By the fire. Choice of lunch or simple entry.
WHEN | Sunday 23 July from 1PM to 3PM |
WHERE | The Monster kitchen and bar in the Salon |
COST | $20/$70 |
GO | Tix |
A minimalist soul trip with lush harmonies and slow grooves, "mask-ed" narrates the struggles of true identity and secrets kept around gender expression.
WHEN | Saturday 8 July, 6:30PM |
COST | $15/$10 includes one drink |
GO |
Mikelangelo returns to the Phoenix backed by the National Capital Allstars. It's gonna be magic.
WHEN | Friday 16 June, 9PM |
WHERE | The Phoenix |
COST | $10 / $15 |
GO |
Packed with a dozen tunes exploring women's experiences over generations, and the simultaneous isolation and confinement felt by many women living in regional communities.
WHEN | Thursday 22 June, 8PM |
WHERE | Transit |
GO |
Bro..och - a collection of brooches.
WHEN | Exhibition runs 16 June - 8 July |
WHERE | Bilk |
COST | Free |
GO |
Australian Antarctic Division’s ‘midwinterers’ are locked in for months on end. Tired of watching the same movies over and over, they got creative – splicing, dicing, adding voice-overs. Come watch.
WHEN | Wednesday 21 June, 6PM |
WHERE | Arc Cinema, NFSA |
COST | Free, bookings essential |
GO |
Fossil Rabbit is heading overseas for a while, so celebrate Fossil Rabbit’s final Canberra show, with special guests Aphir and Ben Drury
WHEN | Friday 16 June, 9:30PM |
WHERE | Smith's |
COST | $7 / $10 |
GO |
Prom will play their final glam-soaked gig at the event they were born to play: Graduation.
WHEN | Saturday 17 June, 8PM |
COST | $15/ $20 / $30 |
GO |
Humanity amplified. From eerily lifelike sculptures to out-of-this-world virtual reality, this exhibition charts the evolution of hyperrealism into the 21st century and asks ‘what makes us human?’.
WHEN | Friday 20 October to Sunday 18 February |
WHERE | National Gallery of Australia |
GO | More |
An exhibition of Australian Impressionist paintings from the likes of Tom Roberts, Charles Douglas Richardson and Arthur Streeton.
WHEN | From Saturday 24 June |
WHERE | National Gallery of Australia |
GO | More |
The story of Woollarawarre Bennelong. A senior man of the Eora, from the Port Jackson area in Sydney. Performed by Bangarra, choreographed by artistic director Stephen Page, inspired by true events.
WHEN | Thursday 3 to Saturday 5 August |
WHERE | Canberra Theatre |
GO | Tix |
RocKwiz! Total babes. All of them. No intro needed - book your tix... Such babes.
WHEN | Thursday 22 June 7.30PM |
WHERE | Canberra Theatre |
COST | $90 |
GO | Tix |
New comers and international performers from the Melbourne International Comedy Festival are coming, as they do every year, to make wine come out of your nose.
WHEN | Saturday 24 June at 7PM |
WHERE | Canberra Theatre |
COST | $50 |
GO | Tix |
April, 1984. 13:00. Comrade 6079, Winston Smith, thinks a thought, starts a diary, and falls in love. But Big Brother is always watching.
WHEN | Tuesday 25 to Saturday 29 July |
WHERE | Canberra Theatre |
GO | Book |
For the first time in a long time Beth Orton and her full band are coming to play. Folktronica.
WHEN | Friday 16 June at 8PM |
WHERE | The Playhouse |
COST | $65/$85 |
GO | Tix |
Hoods brings together four artists whose art practices investigate their urban environments, pop culture and sub cultures: Nicole Breedon, Sean Davey, Rowan Kane and Paul Williams.
WHEN | Runs 7 - 25 June |
WHERE | ANCA Gallery Dickson |
COST | Free |
Superman 3 is based around abstraction focused on internal compositional relationships between formal elements.
WHEN | Runs 5 - 15 July |
WHERE | Tributary Projects |
COST | Free |
GO | Tributary Projects |
Hannah Quinlivan will talk about her site specific installation 'Anatomy of a Drawing' and her artistic practice at the intersection of drawing and sculpture.
WHEN | Thursday 6 July from 1PM to 2PM |
GO | More |
A collection of works of birds - sculptures, paintings, prints and drawings. Jan Brown, Linda Davy, Nicola Dickson, Annie Franklin, Kevin Gilbert, Patsy Hely, Steven Holland, and Danie Mellor.
WHEN | Until Sunday 30 July |
GO | Deets |
A talk about the works on birds in CMAG's current show 'Aviary', with Deborah Clark, CMAG’s Senior Curator, Visual Arts.
WHEN | Thursday 1 June at 1PM |
GO | FB |
Curator and writer Robert Bell will talk about the Australian glass art and how it has developed such a successful international reputation; in particular of glass work produced in Canberra with speci
WHEN | Thursday 10 August from 1.15PM to 2 PM |
WHERE | Canberra Museum and Gallery |
GO | FB |
Hip hop / funk/ rock / pop - Canberra mob Pleased To Jive You are coming to make you move those feet and them hips. With First Gulf War, Jedbrii and Cultured Pelican.
WHEN | Sunday June 11 at 8PM |
WHERE | The Phoenix |
COST | Free |
GO | FB |
Jazz baby - Satoko Fujii, and trumpeter Natsuki Tamura are mashing it up with the 18 piece Sirens Big Band to perform Fujii’s 'Fukushima Suite' and other works.
WHEN | Friday 2 June at 7PM |
WHERE | The Street Theatre |
COST | $29 / $35 |
GO | FB |
'Twin Peaks' Trivia. No further explanation required. Hosted by Travis and Bob.
WHEN | Tuesday 13 June 6.30 PM to 9.30 PM |
WHERE | The Phoenix |
GO | FB |
Annie Wu will teach you how to make a contemporary utilitarian uniform (that can be worn every day) - functional garments that reduce waste.
WHEN | Saturday 12 August, 10AM – 11.30AM and 2PM – 3.30PM |
WHERE | Mosaic room, Hotel Hotel |
COST | $45 |
GO | Tix |
A solo exhibition by Cat Mueller.
WHEN | 17 May – 4 June |
WHERE | ANCA Dickson |
COST | Free |
GO | Website |
Representations of the Australian landscape from a bunch of disciplines and social, political and environmental viewpoints.
WHEN | Wednesday 14 June to Saturday 1 July |
WHERE | Tributary Projects |
GO | TP |
Old and new works appropriating the imperative design ideology of the ‘flat pack’, as typified by IKEA.
WHEN | Tuesday 30 May to Friday 9 June |
WHERE | Tributary Projects |
GO | TP |
Stories of social justice and human rights through film, art, music and forums.
WHEN | Monday 29 May to Wednesday 31 May |
WHERE | Palace Electric Cinema |
GO | Tix |
The best Digital Cumbia and reggae out of Melbourne and Sydney - Cumbia Massive brings you a night of bass and heavy global rhythms in a sound system style.
WHEN | Saturday 6th May from 8PM to 2AM |
WHERE | The Polish Club |
COST | $15 / $20 |
GO | Tix |
The ‘Ritual of Reading in Bed’ is a series of short and sweet Sunday night readings by writers and performers held inside Creative Room 105. The author for this event is Rosanna Stevens.
WHEN | Sunday 28 May, 6PM - 6:30PM |
WHERE | Creative Room 105, Hotel Hotel |
COST | Free but booking is essential |
GO | Book here |
Local fashion label, Hunter, and Luke Chiswell are putting on a one day store. Selling Hunter goods as well as limited edition pieces made from repurposed materials from Chiswell's latest exhibition.
WHEN | Saturday 6 May 11AM to 3PM |
WHERE | Nishi Gallery |
GO | HTL |
Film Music
‘Brutti ma Buoni’ is a short film of Brutalist buildings in Canberra screened to a live score. Post performance vinyl set with Tilman Robinson and a brutalist inspired cash bar by Monster.
WHEN | Friday 2 June from 6:30PM |
WHERE | Nishi Gallery |
COST | Free, RSVP essential |
Eat Drink Music
The Canberra Symphony Orchestra are bringing a string duo for the Autumn Strings in the Salon session.
There are two ticket types – one involves lunch.
WHEN | Sunday 21 May at 1PM |
WHERE | Monster kitchen and bar |
COST | $20/$70 |
GO | Tix |
The ANU Bar is being demolished : ( Over 60 years, thousands of gigs, tens of thousands of acts, we've all been there and had a good mosh. This is their last shebang over 11 acts. Goodbye friends.
WHEN | Saturday 17 June from 12 noon |
WHERE | ANU bar |
COST | $25 |
GO | Tix |
The ASQ are on their national tour; they'll be playing with guitarist Slava Grigoryan, blurring the lines between jazz and classical. The concert is crowned by Schubert’s G major String quartet.
WHEN | Sunday 28 May from 2PM to 3.30PM |
WHERE | NGA, Gandel Hall |
COST | $30 / $55 / $60 / $75 |
GO | NGA |
Richard Bell, Dr Gary Foley and Judy Watson discuss and reflect the truths, powers, misnomers and setbacks throughout the span of the Referendum and up until now.
WHEN | Friday 26 May 6PM to 8.30PM |
WHERE | NGA at the James O Fairfax Theatre |
COST | $20/ $15 |
GO | NGA |
Indie punk rockers The Hard Aches are releasing a new single ‘Brain Drain' and they are bringing their with UK friends, the Muncie Girls, and Melbourne friends, The Football Club.
WHEN | Sunday June 11 from 8PM |
WHERE | Transit bar |
GO | Go |
Proxemics - the branch of knowledge that deals with the amount of space that people feel it necessary to set between themselves and others. That with J:Kenzo (UK) & Chimpo (UK).
WHEN | Thursday 4 May from 8PM |
WHERE | Transit bar |
GO | Go |
Singer/DJ Lyall Moloney it on his 'Get Up' tour. Dance / hip hop/ punk/ reggae.
WHEN | Saturday 27 May at 8PM |
WHERE | Transit |
COST | $12 |
GO | Tix |
Agency Dub Collective are playing to happy happy their 12 inch LP 'Bang 4 your Buck'. Dance it up.
WHEN | Friday 5 May at 8PM |
WHERE | Transit |
COST | Free |
GO | FB |
A triple threat throwdown live with Lyre Byrdland (SYD), Los Chavos (ACT), Coolio Desgracias and House Mouse (ACT). Yes x 6.
WHEN | Saturday 22 April at 8PM |
WHERE | Transit |
COST | $15 |
GO | Tix |
Artists from National Indigenous Art Triennial III discuss their work in relation to the 1967 Referendum and other significant periods of resistance within the Australian context.
WHEN | Friday 26 from 11.30AM to 4PM and Saturday 27 May from 10AM to 4.30PM |
WHERE | NGA, Temporary Exhibitions Gallery |
COST | Free |
GO | NGA |
Cult classics, timeless classics, and fringe dwelling gems. A really good film club.
WHEN | Usually the second and last Sundays of each month at 1PM |
WHERE | CMAG Theatre |
COST | $50 per annum |
GO | Program |
For the love of mountains - short films shot in some of the most wild and remote corners of the world.
WHEN | Sunday 13 to Tuesday 16 May |
WHERE | Arc Cinema |
GO | Book |
Two essential documentaries commemorating two landmark moments in activism by Indigenous Australians - 'Fire of the Land' and 'Freedom Ride'.
WHEN | Screening until Friday 28 April from 9.15PM to 5PM weekdays, looped with intermissions. |
WHERE | Arc Cinema |
COST | Free |
Seven films by the great Akira Kurosawa selected by the great David Stratton.
WHEN | Screenings between 14 and 30 June |
WHERE | Arc Cinema |
COST | Season pass $80/75 |
GO | Book |
Counter-culture hits combining protest with heart, wit and mayhem.
WHEN | Screenings between the 3 to the 31 May |
WHERE | Arc Cinema |
Classic film noir screenings from filmmakers who were controversially blacklisted in the 1950s (and beyond) because of their suspected communist sympathies.
WHEN | Friday 21 April at 7PM and 26 April at 7.15PM |
As you can imagine, over the past decade or so, the ANU have amassed a pretty epic art collection.
WHEN | Friday 21 April to Sunday 28 May |
WHERE | Drill Hall Gallery, ANU |
GO | ANU |
Vee Malnar paints portraits of household objects. With them come reflections on mothering and multi-tasking, on identity in the chaos of housework.
WHEN | Until Sunday 30 April |
WHERE | Belconnen Arts Centre |
GO | BAC |
A seres of seven lectures on Sundays about Paul Cézanne.
WHEN | First Sunday of each month (except July) |
WHERE | ANU School of Art and Design Lecture Theatre |
GO | DHG |
36 new and existing PhotoAccess members have documented and interpreted public space through photography and photo-based art.
WHEN | Until Sunday 23 April |
WHERE | PhotoAccess |
GO | PA |
Come star gaze.
WHEN | Friday 5 May from 7PM - 9PM |
WHERE | Mt. Stromlo Observatory |
COST | Gold coin donation |
GO | TIX |
A mini market set up in suitcases. Come for a bargain, a swap, or an old-fashioned haggle. Vintage goods, arts and craft, bric-a-brac, clothing, books, jewellery, records...
WHEN | Sunday 14 May from 11AM to 3PM |
WHERE | A. Baker Courtyard and surrounds |
COST | Free entry, or run your own stall for $20 |
GO | Suitcase Rummage |
Shop Talk Workshop
More than 50 independent publishers, zinemakers, artists and literary organisations from across Australia will offer up their wares for your perusing and purchasing pleasure.
WHEN | Sunday 7 May from 10AM - 3PM |
WHERE | Gorman Arts Centre |
COST | Free |
GO | Noted |
Party Talk
Noted Writers Festival is an independent celebration of words and writing for anyone and everyone who loves to write. The festival runs 3 - 7 May and all events are free.
WHEN | Runs 3 - 7 May |
WHERE | Various locations around Canberra |
COST | Free |
GO | Noted |
Party Talk
Wear good walking shoes, BYO protest placards and shout your words into the night. Noted's beloved multi-venue literary bar hop is back and it's gone absolutely BONKERS!
WHEN | Saturday 6 May from 5PM |
WHERE | Various locations around the city |
COST | Free |
GO | Noted |
Sally Blake’s solo exhibition at ANCA Gallery exploring the elements of fire and rain.
WHEN | Exhibition runs 12 April – 30 April |
WHERE | ANCA Gallery |
COST | Free |
GO |
Four emerging female artists of Chinese descent explore the complex and shifting nature of cultural difference, identity and migrant stories in ‘multicultural' Australia.
WHEN | Exhibition runs 27 April - 21 May |
WHERE | PhotoAccess |
COST | Free |
GO |
Glitoris are bringing Girls to the Front. A night celebrating that there are in fact at least three bands in the ACT comprised mostly of females.
WHEN | Friday 28 April from 8PM |
WHERE | The Basement |
GO |
The CIMF theme this year is 'Revolution' - music from the barricades of time. With twenty curated concerts, talks and dinners.
WHEN | Thursday 27 April to Sunday 7 May |
WHERE | All around Canberra |
Exhibition Talk
The Heritage Festival peeps are exploring ‘Questions and Change’; the festival will facilitate conversation around Indigenous inclusion and recognition through art, architecture and the bush.
WHEN | Tuesday 18 April to 7 May |
WHERE | Lots of different locations |
GO | Program |
From 1PM to the end of the Palm Sunday rally, the Refugee Action Committee will be holding a 48 hour vigil in Civic Square. There will be film screenings, public lectures, performances and good vibes.
WHEN | From 1pm on Friday 7 April |
WHERE | Civic Square |
GO | FB |
A newly commissioned piece for double bass by Benjamin Drury played by Rohan Dasika. Sunset. At James Turrell's 'Within Without' Skyspace. Mwah. Yes.
WHEN | Monday 1 May to Friday 5 May at 5.10PM |
WHERE | James Turrell's Skyspace at the NGA |
COST | Free |
GO | NGA |
'Un long dimanche de fiançailles' - a young woman’s relentless search for her fiancé, who disappeared from the trenches of the Somme during World War One.
WHEN | Tuesday 25 April at 2:15pm |
WHERE | NGA, James O Fairfax Theatre |
COST | Free (but you have to book) |
GO | NGA |
Come say goodbye to one of Canberra's favourite record labels - Cinnamon Records
WHEN | Saturday 6 May from 8PM |
WHERE | Transit |
COST | $5 |
GO |
You Are Here festival is turning Haig Park on its head. Armed with music, art and good company, they’ll transform this iconic inner-city space into a weird and magical world.
WHEN | Friday 7 April, from 6PM 'til late |
WHERE | Haig Park |
COST | Free |
GO |
Positioning the car as the dancer, Australian Dance Party examines the motorised car choreographies of our lives and ask 'Does the freedom of car ownership mitigate its impact?'
WHEN | Wednesday 5 April from 7:30PM |
WHERE | CBD carpark |
COST | Free |
GO |
A new body of work by Luke Chiswell that continues his exploration of objects within space, abstracting perception and scale.
WHEN | Opens Friday 7 April at 6PM. On show until Sunday 7 May 2017. |
WHERE | Nishi Gallery |
GO | FB |
Intimacy is dead, and we’re partying with its corpse online.
WHEN | Thursday 6 April from 6.30PM to 10PM |
WHERE | A house in the inner north (they'll let you know when you book) |
COST | $20 |
GO | YAH17 |
A talk with Canberrans (that's you!) about cost of living pressures and how the concept of the domestic is changing.
WHEN | Friday 7 to Saturday 8 April |
WHERE | Garema Place |
GO | YAH17 |
A walking group exhibition with video artworks from Luke Aleksandrow, Oscar Capezio, Tony Curran, Heath Franco, Nathan Gray, Alex Hobba, Shags and Angela Tiatia.
WHEN | Wednesday 5 April from 6PM |
WHERE | Anvil Studio, The Hamlet, Braddon |
GO | YAH17 |
Exhibition Party
A mostly free five day festival of curated, independent and experimental arts. Playful, irreverent and lo-fi.
WHEN | Wednesday 5 April to Sunday 9 April |
WHERE | Around Canberra |
GO | YAH |
Eat Drink
Beer brewers Young Henry and whisky distillers Bruichladdich are holding a tasting at the Monster kitchen and bar. They will be serving up four brews and four spirits to taste and talk about.
WHEN | Thursday 20 April from 7PM |
WHERE | Mosaic room at Monster kitchen and bar |
COST | $50 |
GO | Tix |
Paul Fuog (of U-P and Field Experiments) is doing an AGDA talk on the appropriation and restraint. Appropriation - a dirty word or an important design tool?
WHEN | Monday 10 April from 6PM for 6.30PM start |
WHERE | Nishi Gallery |
COST | $20 / $25 / $45 |
The loudest goddamn soul outfit you’ve ever heard. Good good gooooood stuff.
WHEN | Thursday 1 June at 8PM |
WHERE | Transit bar |
GO | TB |
A pre-order show for Moaning Lisa's debut EP 'The Sweetest'.
WHEN | Thursday March 23 at 8PM |
WHERE | Transit bar |
GO | More |
This exhibition of eight artists highlights the way relationships between each others’ practices have evolved and how conceptual and aesthetic inspiration has developed in each individuals’ work.
WHEN | Opens Thursday 23 March at 6PM until 9 April |
WHERE | M16, gallery one |
GO | M16 |
Music Party
Art Not Apart's electronic dance party. BYO. 18+. Not in NewActon but there is a bus here that will take you there.
WHEN | Saturday 18 March from 9.30PM to 7AM |
WHERE | Warehouse in Fyshwick |
COST | From $25 |
GO | Tix |
Music Party
The official performance art after-party of Art, Not Apart 2017.
WHEN | Saturday 18 March from 7PM to 1AM |
WHERE | National Film and Sound Archive |
COST | From $10 |
GO | FB |
Art, Not Apart has grown like a big old vine and crossed the road into the NFSA. Giving light to the lesser heard and lesser seen with live performances and experimental projections.
WHEN | Saturday 18 March from 1PM to 7PM |
WHERE | National Film and Sound Archive |
'Lost + Found' is the debut album of prolific local favourite, Endrey.
WHEN | Friday 7 April, 8-10PM |
WHERE | Mosaic Room, Hotel Hotel |
COST | $20/$15 |
GO | TIX |
An exhibition of 80 documentary photos by local photographer Hardy Lohse on people living in small Australian towns in decline.
WHEN | Until Saturday 25 March |
WHERE | ANU School of Art and Design Gallery |
GO | SOA |
Waterford the Rock Band are releasing a new single, 'Libra II (Who must be Obeid)'.
They'll be playing with Nick Craft (ex Sidewinder). Come rock and roll.
WHEN | Saturday 1 April from 7PM |
WHERE | Smith's Alternative |
COST | $7 CMC members / $10 |
GO | Tix |
Get up eeeeeearly to see Canberra's famous hot air balloons. Sadly no Skywhale this year.
WHEN | 11 – 19 March 2017 from 6:15AM |
WHERE | Lawns of Old Parliament House |
GO | Website |
Some of the best films coming out of Scandinavia - from Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland and Iceland.
WHEN | Tuesday 18 July to Wednesday 2 August |
WHERE | Palace Electric Cinema |
GO | Tix |
Australia's best short film festival comes to Canberra.
WHEN | 5 - 6 April |
WHERE | Palace Electric Cinema |
GO | Website |
Eat Drink
Enlighten is back on. Come for the lights, stay for the noodles (and dumpling, dosa, Pad Thai, gyoza...)
WHEN | Friday March 3 to Sunday March 12, from 5PM - 9PM |
WHERE | Reconciliation Place |
GO | Read |
49 works chosen from 3000 entries - choosing the final 49 would have been a super hard job. Photographic portraits taken by Australian photographers - this is definitely one to go to.
WHEN | Saturday 1 April to Sunday 18 June |
WHERE | National Portrait Gallery |
GO | NPG |
Digital portraiture - short films that dissect a little piece of a person.
WHEN | Until Sunday 9 April |
WHERE | National Portrait Gallery |
GO | NPG |
You know the drill - French films from France.
WHEN | Thursday 9 March to Tuesday 4 April |
WHERE | Palace Electric Cinema |
GO | Program |
Dog is god - a performance by Arcadia Winds and Dr Natalie Williams in response to the NPG's 'Popular Pet Show' exhibition. The first of the CSO's 'Companion Pieces' series. And there is a bar.
WHEN | Thursday 2 March at 6.30PM |
WHERE | Gordon Darling Hall, National Portrait Gallery |
COST | $45 (includes performance and exhibition) |
GO | Tix online or at the door |
Eat Drink
Chefs and good friends Sean McConnell (Monster kitchen and bar) and Matt Wilkinson (Pope Joan) are cooking up a collaborative lunch. Except yabby jaffles, banofee pies and good times.
WHEN | Saturday 25 March at 12.30PM |
WHERE | Monster kitchen and bar |
COST | $125 (for lunch but not drinks) |
GO | Tickets |
Aphir returns to her Canberra roots to launch her new album, Twin Earth.
WHEN | Friday March 17 from 9PM to 12AM |
WHERE | La De Da Bar |
GO |
A biting and magical satire set deep beneath the sea!
WHEN | Runs Wednesday 8 - Saturday 11 March |
Talking all things feminism. Amanda Palmer (yes!), Zoya Patel, Alana Valentine and Katy Gallagher with host Virginia Haussegger.
Also, Gena Davis is making a (digital) appearance.
WHEN | Sunday 5 March, 10AM - 2PM |
WHERE | Canberra Theater |
COST | Free |
GO |
Experimental, electronic and improvised sound.
WHEN | Thursday 2 March from 9:30PM |
WHERE | Smiths Alternative |
COST | $10 |
GO |
Artist Tony Curran and poet Lachlan Brown - a painter and a poet - collaborate through image and text.
WHEN | Runs 1 - 19 March |
WHERE | ANCA Gallery |
COST | Free |
An exhibition investigating the space between cultural and chemical, organic and technological.
WHEN | Runs 3 - 26 March 2017 |
WHERE | Photoaccess |
COST | Free |
GO | Photoaccess |
Performance Talk
The ‘Ritual of Reading in Bed’ is a series of Sunday night readings by writers and performers held inside Creative Room 105.
WHEN | Sunday 26 March, 6:00PM |
WHERE | Room 105, Hotel Hotel |
COST | Free, bookings essential |
GO | TIX |
The first of a series of seasonal bush walks developed in collaboration with Tyronne Bell. Walks to make us feel good by getting us back in there amongst the trees and the birds.
WHEN | Sunday 19 March, 3:00PM - 5:00PM |
WHERE | Mt Majura |
COST | $55.50 |
GO | TIX |
Melbourne’s Mr Kitly presents ‘Not Wow’ by Kirsten Perry. It’s a series of totems of moments that hold personal significance alluding to folk craftsmanship and subconscious spiritual rituals.
WHEN | Saturday 11 March – Sunday 30 April |
WHERE | Hotel Hotel Cabinets |
COST | Free |
The Last Moose of Aoluguya is an intimate portrait of Weijia, a heavy drinking, soul-searching painter and herder, from the Ewenki people of Inner Mongolia.
WHEN | Wednesday 22 February from 5:15PM |
WHERE | The Auditorium, China in the World Building |
COST | Free |
GO | ANU |
Against a backdrop of the treacherous mountains and icy plains of the Siberian wilderness, acclaimed Japanese director Akira Kurosawa stages an extraordinary adventure of comradeship and survival
WHEN | Sunday 19 February 2017 from 2PM |
WHERE | The Auditorium, Australian Centre on China in the World |
COST | Free |
GO | ANU |
The first opening for Canberra's newest artist-run gallery.
WHEN | Thursday 16 February, 6PM |
WHERE | Tributary Projects |
COST | Free |
GO |
Eat Drink Music Party Performance Shop
Food! Lines for food! Culture! Crowds!
Bring ya' stretchy pants.
WHEN | 17 - 19 February |
WHERE | Civic |
COST | Free |
GO | Festival website |
Exhibition Music Party Performance
Things are going to get a bit weird...
WHEN | Saturday 18 February, 10AM - 12PM |
WHERE | City |
COST | Free |
GO |
A conversation with the Man Booker-shortlisted writer.
WHEN | Tuesday 28 February, 6PM - 8PM |
WHERE | National Library of Australia |
GO |
Colliding black holes! Gravitational waves! Radiant energy! Confused? Not after Professor Dean Rickles schools you.
WHEN | Tuesday 7 February from 5.30PM |
WHERE | Australian Academy of Science |
COST | $10 |
GO | Australian Academy of Science |
A safe place for vinyl addicts to come together share music and stories in pure analogue.
WHEN | The first Friday of every month |
WHERE | National Film and Sound Archive |
COST | Free |
The Australian Brandenburg Orchestra will transport you to Versailles, playing the most popular court music of the day.
WHEN | Saturday 4 February from 2PM |
WHERE | National Gallery of Australia |
COST | $45.00 |
GO | NGA |
“Conscience is but a word that cowards use, devised at first to keep the strong in awe”- Richard III, Act V, Scene III.
WHEN | Preview Thursday 6 April at 7.30PM. Opens Friday 7 April at 7.30PM. Until Saturday 15 April. |
WHERE | Canberra Theatre |
COST | $95.50 |
GO | Canberra Theatre |
A solo exhibition of large portraits by Charlie White.
WHEN | Saturday 11 February, 6PM - 10PM |
WHERE | Fitters Workshop in Kingston |
GO |
Eat Drink
The Monster has thought up a special dinner menu for the day of love.
WHEN | Tuesday 14 February |
WHERE | Monster kitchen and bar |
COST | $90 per person |
GO | Book |
An architectural exhibition that interrogates the boundaries between public and private spaces.
WHEN | Until 17 February |
WHERE | Nishi Gallery |
GO | Opening event |
Eat Drink Music
The Canberra Symphony Orchestra are bringing their string quartet to play us some music in the Salon and Dinging rooms. Two ticket types – one involves lunch.
WHEN | Sunday 12 February |
WHERE | Monster kitchen and bar |
COST | $20/$70 |
GO | Tix |
Experimental, electronic and improvised sound.
Featuring Reuben Ingall's multi-tasking Microwave Drone Ritual: creating lush drone music at the same time as cooking a meat pie.
WHEN | Thursday 2 February from 9:30PM |
WHERE | Smith's Alternative |
GO | Facebook / TIX |
Eat Drink Music
Xylouris White is playing at the Monster and Sean McConnell will be serving up his spin on a shared taverna dinner before the performance. It’s too bad we can’t smoke ciggies in there.
WHEN | Saturday 11 March. Dinner from 7PM. Performance from 9PM. |
WHERE | Monster’s Salon and Dining rooms |
COST | $25/$80 |
GO | Tix |
Exploring photographic representations of Finnish culture, intertwined with landscape.
A solo exhibition by Anja Loughhead.
WHEN | Runs 2 'til 26 February |
WHERE | PhotoAccess |
COST | Free |
GO | PhotoAccess |
This exhibition sells itself
WHEN | Until April 25. |
WHERE | National Library of Australia |
COST | Free |
GO | NLA |
Music Performance
Picnic on the grounds of Government House while the Canberra Symphony Orchestra supplies sweet music to your ears.
WHEN | Saturday 18 February 2017. Gates open at 4.45PM for a 6PM start |
WHERE | Lawns of Government House |
COST | $30.00 |
GO | CSO |
Exhibition Music Party
Everywhere you look: art art art art art art art art.
WHEN | Saturday 18 March from 1PM - 7PM |
WHERE | NewActon Precinct, West Basin and the NFSA |
GO | Art, Not Apart |
Art School Ball has a reputation for being … memorable. This one is going to be big – celebrating 40 years of the ANU School of Art.
WHEN | Saturday April 1 from 6:00 PM |
WHERE | ANU School of Art |
GO | TIX |
Tim Rogers is doing a gig at Smith's. Yeah, really.
WHEN | Monday 9 January at 7PM |
WHERE | Smith's Alternative |
GO |
A conversation between two friends - Italian born architects Enrico Taglietti and Gianmatteo Romegialli working (respectively) in Canberra and Milan. Presented by Hotel Hotel.
WHEN | Sunday 15 January at 3PM |
WHERE | Monster Salon and Dining Rooms, Hotel Hotel |
COST | Free |
GO | Sold out! |
Performance Talk
Poetry and beer and yelling.
WHEN | Wednesday 18 January from 7:30PM |
WHERE | The Phoenix |
COST | Free |
Time flies. Those Whitlam boys are celebrating their 25th anniversary. To celebrate they are bringing along an orchestra.
WHEN | Friday 5 May |
WHERE | Canberra Theatre Centre |
COST | $80/$90 |
GO | Tix |
Amanda Palmer is bringing her title of 'queen of punk cabaret' to town.
WHEN | Saturday 4 March |
WHERE | Canberra Theatre Centre |
COST | $66/$86 |
GO | Tix |
Skegss brings the surfer slash summer viiiiibes.
WHEN | Friday 13 January from 8PM |
WHERE | Transit bar |
COST | $12 |
GO | More |
YAY! Bootleg Rascal are on a 'Shake N Bake' tour.
WHEN | Friday 20 January at 8PM |
WHERE | Transit bar |
COST | $15 |
GO | Tix |
Exhibition Party
Dogs plus art.
BYO dog.
WHEN | Saturday 21 January, 11AM - 3PM |
WHERE | National Portrait Gallery |
COST | Free |
GO |
A wry and witty insight into human nature through the correspondence between senior demon, Screwtape and his nephew and junior tempter Wormwood.
WHEN | Monday 19 December from 7:30PM. Until Friday 23 December |
WHERE | The Courtyard Studio |
COST | $40.00 |
GO | CTC |
Preacher's daughter turned con artist. Fake miracles abound in this 1931 film.
WHEN | Sunday 19 February at 2PM |
WHERE | Arc Cinema, National Film and Sound Archive |
Frank Capra's 1937 vision of paradise on Earth, Shangri-La.
WHEN | Sunday 5 February at 4:30PM |
WHERE | Arc Cinema, National Film and Sound Archive |
1950s American sci-fi. Alien invasions. Giant, human-growing seed pods. What more could you want for your Sunday arvo?
WHEN | Sunday 29 January at 2:00PM |
WHERE | Arc Cinema, National Film and Sound Archive |
The National Arboretum is staying up late(ish) this January. Spend a summer evening listening to live music amongst the trees.
WHEN | Friday 6, 13 and 20 January from 4:30PM |
WHERE | National Arboretum Canberra |
COST | Free |
GO | Arboretum |
Eat Drink Party
The Monster will be open as usual on New Year's Eve! Come play.
WHEN | Saturday 31st January - New Year's Eve |
WHERE | Monster kitchen and bar |
GO | Monster |
Make lunchtime extra fancy with some classical guitar at the High Court.
WHEN | Tuesday 20 December at 12:30 PM |
WHERE | High Court of Australia |
COST | Free |
GO | Book |
Canberra’s 80's rock and synth pop megastars. No really, we promise this will be good.
WHEN | Friday 16 December at 8PM |
WHERE | The Basement |
GO |
Eat Drink
Chef Bernd Brademann is cooking up a six course shared menu for NYE din dins.
WHEN | Saturday 31 December at 7.30 PM |
WHERE | A.Baker |
COST | $160 |
GO | Menu and tix |
Eat Drink
A proper food truck line up and martini, beer and wine bars. The line up includes Gelato Messina (yum), El Poco Loco (Mexican), Vutu (Nepalese), Yalla Yalla (Lebanese)... Bring your stretchy pants.
WHEN | Friday 9 to Sunday 18 December |
WHERE | Commonwealth Park, Albert Street |
GO | Opening hours |
Sydney based indie folk rock band 'Boy and Bear' are coming to play.
WHEN | Thursday 8 December at 7PM |
COST | $46 |
GO | Tix |
Music. Food. Art.- No need to cry over Spilt Milk (Unless you didn't get a ticket)
WHEN | Saturday 3 December from 11AM |
WHERE | Commonwealth Park |
COST | $90.00 |
GO | FB |
Music Performance
Local femme-powered protest band Glitoris present their debut: ‘The Disgrace EP’. With special friends Faux Faux Amis and Moaning Lisa.
WHEN | Saturday 10th December at 7PM |
COST | $30 |
GO | Tix |
Blue Mountains artist Julia Jacklin is heading our way as part of a big Australian tour. Have a listen and book your tix. It's a goodie.
WHEN | Thursday 1 December at 8PM |
WHERE | Transit |
COST | $17.40 |
GO | Tix |
Eat Drink
You don’t have to spend half your day with your hand up a turkey and the other half doing the dishes. Monster kitchen and bar are putting on Christmas lunch.
WHEN | Sunday 25 December from 12PM to 4PM |
WHERE | Monster kitchen and bar |
COST | $155 (lunch only) / $220 (with matching wines) |
GO | Book |
Experimental landscape photographic works printed in the PhotoAccess darkroom by mid-career Sydney-based photographer Enrico Scotece.
WHEN | Until Sunday 27 November |
WHERE | Photo Access |
GO | PA |
An exhibition by London-based mid-career Australian artist Laura Hindmarsh, incorporating film, performance and experimental photographic techniques.
WHEN | Until Sunday 27 November |
WHERE | Photo Access |
GO | PA |
An exhibition by Mariana del Castillo - recycled materials in a surreal reflection on identity, migration, religion and the body.
WHEN | Until Sunday 26 March |
A contemporary art Contiki Tour put together by artists from Canberra and the Gold Coast whose disparate practices share regional connections, architectural references and touristic motifs.
WHEN | Friday 9 December to Saturday 11 February |
WHERE | Gorman Arts Centre |
A live performance by experimental art collective COUP about the witch trials in 17th century England.
WHEN | Tuesday 29 November to Saturday 3 December |
WHERE | Gorman Arts Centre, Ralph Wilson Theatre |
COST | $30 full / $20 concession |
An exhibition by Susan Buret about how we set up home... In lament for Ikea's mass produced rip off of Alvar Aalto’s stool and how the 21st century first world nomad establishes domestic space.
WHEN | Until Sunday 4 December |
WHERE | CCAS Manuka |
GO | AG |
An installation by emerging artist Andy Mullens exploring her Vietnamese heritage through video performance and language.
WHEN | Opens Thursday 1 December at 6PM to Sunday 11 December |
WHERE | Photo Access |
GO | PA |
A social documentary project exploring Canberra’s swing dance community by emerging artist Casey Crockford.
WHEN | Opens Thursday 1 December at 6PM to Sunday 11 December |
WHERE | Photo Access |
GO | PA |
Film noir... "My feelings? About ten years ago, I hid them somewhere and haven't been able to find them."
WHEN | Sunday 27 November at 1PM |
WHERE | Canberra Museum and Gallery |
GO | Reel McCoy |
In his first time in Canberra, Black Milk will be showcasing his mix of top flight production and insightful lyricism.
WHEN | Thursday 24 November 2016 from 8PM |
WHERE | Transit Bar |
COST | $20.00 |
GO | FB |
REMI will be in town to offer some of his true blue Aussie MC mastery.
WHEN | Wednesday 30 November from 8PM. |
WHERE | Transit Bar |
COST | $22.00 |
GO | FB |
Abbe May will take you to church! You will find yourself dancing to bells in ways you never knew you could.
WHEN | Friday 18 November from 8PM. |
WHERE | Transit Bar |
COST | $15.00 |
GO | FB |
An exhibition of iconic Australian houses by the ever impressive Karen McCartney - 30 of the most important homes in Australia that have been designed in the last 60 years.
WHEN | From Friday 25 November to Monday 13 March |
WHERE | National Archives of Australia |
COST | Free |
GO | NAA |
A collection of works created by South Coast artist Nicole Grimm-Hewitt that look at the Earth from an aerial perspective.
WHEN | Thursday 24 November until Sunday 11 December. Opening launch Saturday 26 November at 6PM |
WHERE | Nishi Gallery, 17 Kendall Lane, NewActon |
COST | Free |
GO | Nicole Grimm-Hewitt |
It's just one hour to snap up all the prototypes, seconds and extra glassware made by ANU School of Art students and teachers.
WHEN | Friday 2 December from 12.30PM to 1.30PM |
WHERE | Outside the ANU School of Art Library, Childers Street, Acton |
There are few things more Canberran than a school fête. This one is one of the biggest. Except street food and rides. Bring lots of gold coins.
WHEN | Saturday 5 November 2.30PM to 7PM |
WHERE | Telopea Park School, Barton |
GO | The old Le Burp |
Come have a geez at work from students that might be the next big deal in Australia at the ANU School of Art Grad show.
WHEN | Opens Friday 25 November at 6PM. Until Sunday 4 December. |
WHERE | Main gallery, School of Art |
GO | SOA |
Exhibition Shop
The lovelies at Močan regularly host Meraki night - a small collection of local designers and craftspeople to exhibit and sell their works. It will include ceramic tablewares, textiles and wood work.
WHEN | Sunday 13 November at 5PM |
WHERE | Močan and Green Grout |
GO | MGG |
Exhibition Talk
Design and design related events happening all around town.
WHEN | Until Friday 25 November |
WHERE | All around town |
GO | DCF |
A one-day music festival that celebrates the new wave of alternative and experimental Australian music. With Aphir, beatrice, Elisabeth DIXON, Kane Ikin, KANGAROO LIFE SAVER, Monica Brooks...
WHEN | Saturday 12 November from 2PM to 11PM |
WHERE | Ainslie Arts Centre |
COST | $25 early bird / $35 pre sale / $40 at the door |
GO | FB |
Clave Manía, Los Chavos, Zambezi Sounds, Mandacaru, Brass Knuckle Brass Band. Read latin jazz, new orleans funk, ska reggae, Brazilian forro and West African dance music. Read booty shakin'.
WHEN | Saturday 5 November from 3PM to 11.30PM |
WHERE | Ainslie Arts Centre |
GO | RIP |
Portraits of famous and obscure Australians and their pets by contemporary artists.
WHEN | Friday 4 November to Monday 13 March |
WHERE | National Portrait Gallery |
GO | NPG |
A talk by leading design festival curator and thinker Giovanna Massoni on why design matters in the contemporary world.
WHEN | Saturday 19 November at 2PM |
WHERE | James O Fairfax Theatre, NGA |
COST | $20, $15 Craft ACT/NGA members |
GO | Tix |
A film that is all about an exhibition from the National Gallery, London and the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam - all about Rembrandt.
WHEN | Sunday 20 November at 2PM |
WHERE | James O Fairfax Theatre, NGA |
COST | $12, $10 (members/concession) |
GO | Tix |
Mauritshuis is the place to go and see paintings from Holland's Golden Age. The film looks at the mysteries behind Vermeer's ''Girl with a pearl earring' and lots of other Golden Age masterpieces.
WHEN | Sunday 13 November at 2PM |
WHERE | James O Fairfax Theatre, NGA |
COST | $12, $10 NGA members/concession |
GO | Tix |
The NGA's exhibitions on screen series - Manet. The man. Some say the father of modern art.
WHEN | Sunday 6 November at 2PM |
WHERE | James O Fairfax Theatre, NGA |
COST | $12, $10 NGA members/concession |
GO | Tix |
Exhibition Performance
Mike Parr's durational performance based on Roland Barthes' 'Camera Lucida' ('La Chamber Claire'). The book is at once an essay on the essence of photography and a eulogy to Barthes' mother.
WHEN | Saturday 5 November at 10.30AM |
WHERE | Mike Parr Information Centre at the NGA |
COST | Free just rock up |
GO | NGA |
Contemporary films from Greece. Ouzo at the Prosecco bar. έλα.
WHEN | From Thursday 17 to Sunday 20 November |
WHERE | Palace Electric Cinema |
GO | Program |
Contemporary, award-winning, and internationally acclaimed German-language films with English subs. Is gut. Ya.
WHEN | Thursday 24 November to Sunday 27 November |
WHERE | Palace Electric Cinema |
GO | Titles and tix |
The British Film Festival is back again with contemporary and classic titles.
WHEN | Until Wednesday 16 November |
WHERE | Palace Electric Cinema |
GO | Titles and tix |
Exhibition Party
'Sketching Process’ is a self-published design sketching book created by local maker SKEEHAN studio. Come and support the book at the kickstart launch.
WHEN | Friday 28th October at 6PM |
WHERE | Nishi Gallery |
GO | FB |
Music Party
Super gay dance party for Canberra's lovely LGBTI community and friends. Anyone with good vibes and big love is welcome.
WHEN | Saturday 5 November at 8PM |
WHERE | Transit bar |
COST | $10 at the door |
GO | Transit |
SKA! Bad Manners (made in the UK in '76) are touring Australia and New Zealand. Bring yo braces and doc martins and come skank! This is a once in a lifetime type SUPER FUN gig.
WHEN | Sunday 30 October from 6PM |
WHERE | Transit Bar |
COST | 18+ tix are $50 |
GO | TB |
A beer and a boogie to these guys = yes, yes, yes lets do it now. The Laurels are releasing their second record 'Sonicology' and it's a goodie.
WHEN | Thursday 3 November at 8PM |
WHERE | Transit bar |
GO | TB |
Those kids at ANU have some skills! Check out what has been cooked up in the ANU Furniture Studio with this showcase of students' work.
WHEN | Opens Friday 18 November with opening party from 6PM. Until Sunday 20 November. |
WHERE | Desgincraft, 8 Tralee Street, Hume 2620 |
COST | Free |
GO | FB |
Pop down to the Wonga Street House for this Pop Up exhibition featuring 5 local designers/makers.
WHEN | Sunday 30 October and 13 November 10AM to 11.30AM. |
WHERE | Wonga Street Eco House, 3 Wonga Street O'Connor |
COST | Free |
GO | FB |
A celebration of the creativity, craftsmanship and beauty of F!NK + Co creator Robert Foster.
WHEN | Opens Thursday 27 October from 9AM. Until Friday 25 November. |
WHERE | ACTEW AGL, 40 Bunda Street Civic |
COST | Free |
GO | Design Canberra |
Brisbane-based indie rockers, Sunhaus, and trucking around on their 'Bobby' tour (to launch their 'Bobby' album). They are super sweet. They are bringing House of Strangers and Moaning Lisa along.
WHEN | Saturday 22 October from 8PM |
WHERE | Transit bar |
COST | Pre-sale tix are $10 |
GO | Tix and info |
Hip hoppers D'Opus and Roshambo are launching their new release 'Mayday' supported by suavess., Jedbrii, Lash and DJs Faux Real and Chemi-Cal.
WHEN | Friday 28 October at 8PM |
WHERE | Transit bar |
COST | $10 at the door |
GO | TB |
The very excellent Andrea Kirwin has come back for a bit to hang out like in the good old days (yeaaaaaah). Hi lady! It's nice to see you again.
WHEN | Wednesday 16 November from 7PM |
WHERE | The Front |
COST | $10 at the door |
GO | FB |
Hip hop collective One Day (Horrorshow, Spit Syndicate, Joyride and Jackie Onassis) are holding a block party and you're invited.
WHEN | Sunday 18 December from 1PM |
WHERE | Westside Village |
COST | Free entry |
GO | FB |
Sparkys Jerk BBQ + reggae band Kinsky + local mob Zambezi Sounds Canberra + records for sale from Revolve = BAM BAM.
WHEN | Saturday 22 October from 9AM to 11PM (bands start at 2PM) |
WHERE | Old Canberra Inn |
GO | Deets |
An exhibition that showcases recent works by the pros and technical staff at ANU School of Art.
WHEN | Until Saturday 29 October |
WHERE | ANU School of Art Gallery |
GO | FB |
Mud men by Ramesh Nithiyendran: five giant sculptures made of clay... as well as concrete, sea shells, human hair and teeth, beads, cardboard, polystyrene, rubber snakes and the like...
WHEN | Until Sunday 26 February |
WHERE | National Gallery of Australia |
COST | Free |
GO | NGA |
High stakes drama courtesy of Sophocles' classic Greek Tragedy.
WHEN | Opening Thursday 27 October at 8PM. Runs until Saturday 29 October |
WHERE | Playhouse, Canberra Theatre Centre |
COST | $45.00 |
GO | Canberra Theatre Centre |
Bell Shakespeare's rendition of 'Othello', one of William Shakespeare’s greatest tragedies (they are all pretty great though aren’t they).
WHEN | Opens Friday 14 October at 7:30PM. Until Saturday 22 October. |
WHERE | The Playhouse, Canberra Theatre |
COST | $93.50 |
GO | Canberra Theatre Centre |
This is the story of the Canning, told from the perspectives of the Aboriginal people whose country it crossed.
WHEN | Until 2017 |
WHERE | National Museum of Australia |
COST | Free |
GO | NMA |
Oud player and composer, Joseph Tawadros will be bringing his skill, imagination and facial hair to the Street Theatre stage.
WHEN | Friday 14 October from 7:30PM |
WHERE | The Street Theatre |
COST | $39 |
GO | The Street Theatre |
A catalyst for positive and sustainable change and some bloody good films.
WHEN | From Thursday 13 to Saturday 15 October |
WHERE | Palace Electric Cinema |
A shared exhibition by Tess Horwitz, Caroline Huf, Janet Long. Using video, objects and images, the artists explore themes of impermanence and failure as inevitable, both in art and life.
WHEN | Until Sunday 16 October |
WHERE | M16 Gallery One |
GO | More |
Local music producers have a little live battle to make music from existing samples. This time the rumble is between Tumbles, Eelad, Whoa Nut, Uncle Dunc.
WHEN | Friday 7 October from 8PM |
WHERE | Lowbrow |
GO | More |
Music Party
Ping pong, music and Polish beer. Money, minimal glory and possibly a pat on the back.
WHEN | Thursday 13 October |
WHERE | Polish Club |
GO | More |
Experimental pop band, Shining Bird are playing supported by Sings and Symbols. This should be a goodie.
WHEN | Wednesday 5 October at 8PM |
WHERE | Transit |
COST | Free |
GO | More |
Six piece reggae dub band Kingfisha are releasing their second album - 'Offered It Up'.
WHEN | Friday 21 October at 8PM |
WHERE | Transit |
COST | $20 |
GO | Tix |
If video killed the radio star, CLIPPED is out to dance on the grave. A jam packed night of music videos, premieres, industry speakers, VJS and live music are all part and parcel of the program.
WHEN | Friday 30 September 2016 |
WHERE | Arc Cinema, Canberra, ACT |
COST | $20.00 |
Queer Screen Film Fest showcases the best in LGBTIQ cinema. Arc Cinema will be screening two of the festival's highlights; 'Southwest of Salem: The Story of the San Antonio Four' and 'Other People'.
WHEN | Saturday 1 Ocotber 2016 |
WHERE | The National Film and Sound Archive |
COST | $19.00 |
GO | Queer Screen |
Looking beyond the everyday, 'Mutable Realities' draws together artists who use their work to explore the inexplicable intangible realms where meaning might be found or reason lost.
WHEN | Opens Thursday 13 October at 6PM. Until Sunday 30 Ocotber |
WHERE | Nishi Gallery, 17 Kendall Lane, NewActon |
COST | Free |
Convened by Genevieve Jacobs and ANU’s Niklavs Rubenis, the Object Therapy panel invites a selection of Canberra contributors to discuss their repair works, including Alison Jackson and Rohan Nicol.
WHEN | Thursday 27 October from 6PM |
WHERE | ANU, Sir Roland Wilson Building, Level 2 (ground floor) Theatre; 120 McCoy Circuit, Acton ACT 2601 |
COST | Free |
GO | Fix and Make |
Convened by UNSW’s Guy Keulemans, this Object Therapy panel discussion invites a selection of Sydney contributors to discuss their repair projects.
WHEN | Thursday 20 October from 5.30PM |
WHERE | The Lecture Theatre, EGO2, E Block, UNSW Art & Design |
COST | Free |
GO | Fix and Make |
Object Therapy is a design project that helps us re-evaluate the broken objects that surround us. This exhibition features 30 repaired objects and excerpts of video interviews with the owners.
WHEN | Friday 14 October to Sunday 30 October |
WHERE | Hotel Hotel |
COST | Free |
GO | Fix and Make |
Performance Talk
1.Take five creative leaders.
2.Allow each seven minutes.
3.Mix with turbulent professional experiences.
BAM! You have a recipe for inspiration.
WHEN | Thursday 8 September from 6.30PM |
WHERE | LoBrow Gallery & Bar |
COST | $40 Standard / $20 Member / $20 Student |
The second in the ‘A Month of Saturdays’ conversation series. Karen Middleton sits down to talk about the big issues with economist Chris Richards
WHEN | Saturday 10 September from 3PM |
WHERE | National Portrait Gallery |
COST | Free |
GO | NPG |
The first in the ‘A Month of Saturdays’ conversation series. Karen Middleton sits down to talk about the big issues with lawyer Madeline Gleeson.
WHEN | Saturday 3 September from 3PM |
WHERE | National Portrait Gallery |
COST | Free |
GO | NPG |
Crime dramas, comedies, biopics, leading Italian actresses and of course love stories. The Italian Film Festival is on.
WHEN | Tuesday 19 September to Wednesday October 11 |
WHERE | Palace Electric Cinema |
The fourth in the ‘A Month of Saturdays’ conversation series. Karen Middleton sits down to talk about the big issues with Indigenous leader Marcia Langton.
WHEN | Saturday 24 September from 3PM |
WHERE | National Portrait Gallery |
COST | Free |
GO | NPG |
If you can't get to Sydney this weekend for the very excellent Festival of Dangerous Ideas, the Canberra Theatre Centre is streaming two of the conversations live at Civic Square.
WHEN | Saturday 3 September at 11.30AM |
WHERE | Civic Square in the City |
GO | CTC |
A group exhibition by local photographers Lee Grant, Ellis Hutch, Blaide Lallemand, Mark Van Veen, Brenton McGeachie.
WHEN | OpensThursday 8 September at 6PM runs until Sunday 25 September |
WHERE | M16 |
GO | M16 |
An exhibition by Jane Duong and Chris Holly of hand printed argentotypes made over two years at Namadgi.
WHEN | Opens Thursday 8 September at 6PM runs Sunday 25 September |
WHERE | M16 |
GO | M16 |
Soul Crane and Friends is back with curator of the Melbourne Deepcast and resident at Boney's Lost Weekend, Myles Mac. He'll be sweating it out with a five hour set with Not Quite Disco and Cressy.
WHEN | Sunday 18 September |
WHERE | Bar Rocheford |
COST | $5 entry |
GO | FB |
Say goodbye to old man winter with a little boogie on the dance floor with some electro pop from Rebel Yell, California Girls, Alpha Male and Playful Sound. This is going to be good, good, good.
WHEN | Saturday 3 September 8PM to 2AM |
WHERE | Transit bar |
COST | Free |
GO | FB |
Local band, Foreign Kings, are playing at Transit alongside the Central Coat's IVY and local Sorrel Nation. If you like a little big of a head bang you'll like the Kings.
WHEN | Friday 2 September at 8PM |
WHERE | Transit bar |
GO | TB |
Six piece Brisbane band, The John Steel Singers, have just released their album 'Midnight At The Plutonium'. It's a goodie. They are celebrating at Transit along side Melbourne's Alex Lahey.
WHEN | Thursday 25 August at 8PM |
WHERE | Transit bar |
GO | TB |
Eat Drink Music
The Canberra Symphony Orchestra are coming back to play us some more beautiful music in the Monster Salon and Dining rooms. There are two ticket types - one with lunch and simple entry.
WHEN | Sunday 18 September from 1PM to 3PM |
WHERE | Monster kitchen and bar Salon and Dining rooms |
COST | Two course lunch (main and dessert) and entry $65 / simple entry $15 |
GO | Tickets |
Exhibition Film
Alex Hobba and Amelia Chapman present eight short films based on a week the two spent in Tasmania.
WHEN | Thursday 26 August drink at 6PM screening at 6.30 |
WHERE | Photospace at ANU SOA |
GO | FB |
Holy Balm is highly recommended for those who find their Sunday a little dry. The ‘mutant house’ trio will be launching their new album ‘Activity’. Be warned shoulder shimmying is a common side effect
WHEN | Sunday 25 September at 8PM |
WHERE | Lobrow Gallery and Bar |
GO | Chapter |
A talk that includes personal insights into Australia’s treatment of refugee’s in off shore detention centers.
WHEN | Tuesday 16 August at 6.30PM |
WHERE | ANU, Manning Clark Lecture Theatre |
COST | Free |
GO | FB |
A talk with Professor Edward Scheer about presence, performance and representation in Mike Parr's works.
WHEN | Saturday 17 September at 2PM |
WHERE | National Gallery of Australia, James O Fairfax Theatre |
COST | Free but you need to book |
GO | NGA |
13 films from Latin America screened over 13 days.
WHERE | National Gallery of Australia, James O Fairfax Theatre |
COST | Free but you need to book |
GO | NGA |
A discussion about performance art in Australia and internationally with a focus on ritual practice and extreme body actions.
WHEN | Saturday 24 September at 2PM |
WHERE | National Gallery of Australia, James O Fairfax Theatre |
COST | Free but you need to book |
GO | NGA |
A collaborative installation with Heather B Swann - 'Nervous'.
WHEN | Thursday 18 August to Sunday 20 November |
WHERE | National Gallery of Australia, Gallery One |
GO | More |
Exhibition Performance
This looks fricking amazing. Heather B. Swann's 'Nervous' is a collaborative live performance and art installation. Spinning out of the theme of intense and extreme emotional states of being.
WHEN | Saturday 3 September at 7.30PM and Sunday 4 September at 2.00PM |
WHERE | National Gallery of Australia, Gandel Hall |
COST | $45 adults, $40 members/concessions |
GO | More |
A talk with Mike Parr about his latest exhibition at the NGA, 'Foreign Looking' and his artistic practice of the last 40 years.
WHEN | Saturday 13 August at 2PM |
WHERE | NGA in the James O Fairfax Theatre |
COST | Free but you need to book |
GO | Book |
Eat Drink
Eat moon cakes and worship the moon.
WHEN | Saturday 10 September from 2PM to 8PM |
WHERE | Lennox Gardens |
COST | Gold coin |
GO | FB |
This is the first exhibition to bring together works by Mike Parr in all media across his experimental practice from 1970 to the present.
WHEN | Friday 12 August to Sunday 6 November |
WHERE | National Gallery of Australia |
COST | Free |
GO | NGA |
The two bodies of work by artists John Forrester Clack and Tobias Oliver Clack in this exhibition are expressions of the process of seeking out the self and of the human physical and spiritual existen
WHEN | Friday 19 August to Sunday 11 September, opens launch Friday 19th August at 6PM |
WHERE | Nishi Gallery |
GO | Clack |
The first in the contemporary architects speaker series put on by the ACT Chapter of the Australian Institute of Architects and the National Gallery of Australia... With Blainey North and Tim Browne.
WHEN | Wednesday 14 September at 6PM |
WHERE | James O Fairfax Theatre, NGA |
COST | Series of single tickets available |
The first in the contemporary architects speaker series put on by the ACT Chapter of the Australian Institute of Architects and the National Gallery of Australia... With James Russell Architects.
WHEN | Wednesday 7 September at 6PM |
WHERE | James O Fairfax Theatre, NGA |
COST | Series of single tickets available. |
The Canberra Symphony Orchestra's wind quintet are performing alongside a narrator to tell the story of 'Winnie the Pooh'.
BYO cushion to sit on and teddy bear to cuddle.
WHEN | Tuesday 4 October at 10AM (sold out) and 11.15AM |
WHERE | Nishi Grand Stair, NewActon |
COST | $10 for children / free for accompanying adults |
GO | Tix |
A group exploration of materiality.
WHEN | Until Sunday 14 August |
WHERE | Nishi Gallery |
GO | FB |
Art by a group of American and Australian artists from the 1960s to now explore the complexities of personal relations and individual expression – their work is intimate and raw.
WHEN | Friday 15 July to Sunday 16 October |
WHERE | National Portrait Gallery |
COST | Free |
GO | TT |
They don't need an intro... Regurgitator are playing at UC.
WHEN | Saturday 22 October at 7PM |
WHERE | UC Refectory |
COST | $45 |
GO | FB |
The photographs of Diane Arbus (1923–1971) are powerful allegories of postwar America. Once seen they are rarely forgotten.
WHEN | Until Sunday 30 October |
WHERE | National Gallery of Australia |
GO | NGA |
Eat Drink
The Forage is putting on a mini market at Odgers Lane in the city - street food, drinks and good vibes in one of Canberra's oldest lane ways.
WHEN | Friday 12 August, 5PM to 9PM |
WHERE | Odger's Lane, City |
GO | FB |
Professor Graham Farqhuar (Professor of Environmental Biology at the ANU) will discuss the impact of climate change on vegetation around the world.
WHEN | Thursday 25 August at 12.30PM |
WHERE | Australian National Botanic Gardens |
Ben and Ros Walcott, the creators of a large native garden in Red Hill, reflects on the many gardens world-wide that have inspired its creation.
WHEN | Thursday 4 August at 12.30PM |
WHERE | Australian National Botanic Gardens |
Maker and collector Greybox Design and forager and florist Field & Coppice have put together a little show at Močan and Green Grout.
WHEN | Monday 15 August to Sunday 11 September |
WHERE | Močan and Green Grout |
COST | Free |
GO | Močan |
A series of conversations about the possible future(s) of creative practice. How can creative thinking help us to understand what futures we face?
WHEN | Tuesday 23 August from 6PM to 7.30PM |
WHERE | Gorman Arts Centre |
COST | $15/$10 (includes a drink) |
GO | Tix |
Jay Kochel utilises 3D scanning, machine code and mechanised drawing to explore the aesthetics of meaning and mark making.
WHEN | Until Saturday 17 September |
An exhibition by Hannah Beasley - tension between flatness and relief, between abstract form and spatial illusion, between the centre and the infinite repeat, between lines collected into shapes...
WHEN | Until Sunday 14 August |
WHERE | CCAS Manuka |
For years now Nigel and Beth and the Canberra Musician's Club have been running a gig on their back veranda in Downer once a month called Bang! Bang! Bang! Now the Bangers have graduated...
WHEN | Tuesday 16 August, 7PM to 10PM |
WHERE | Smith's |
COST | $5 at the door |
GO | FB |
Hiphoppers 'Horrorshow' are touring with 'B WISE' and this is their first stop.
WHEN | Wednesday 12 October at 8 PM |
WHERE | Transit |
COST | $30 |
GO | Tix |
'Crooked Colours' - "a live electronic trio, creating music that has one foot in the indie genre and one foot in a darker electronic realm".
WHEN | Friday 19 August 19 from 10 PM |
WHERE | Mr Wolf |
GO | FB |
Uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, oh no no
Uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, oh no no
Uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, oh no no
Uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, oh no no
'Cause Beyoncé rocks thats why.
WHEN | Friday 26th August from 9PM |
WHERE | Mr Wolf |
GO | FB |
Soundscapes - electronic and instrumental experiments with Reuben Ingall, Future Conduits and pxxl hxslxn.
WHEN | Saturday 6 August from 9.30PM |
WHERE | Smith's |
COST | $7 / $10 |
GO | Smith's |
The latest in contemporary Arab cinema from Australia, Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Palestine and Qatar.
WHEN | Friday 5 to Sunday 7 August |
Celebrating five iconic French actresses from films made between 1952 to 1975: Catherine Deneuve, Brigitte Bardot, Jean Seberg, Simone Signoret and Romy Schneideider.
WHEN | Friday 2 to Sunday 4 September |
WHERE | Palace Electric Cinema |
An exhibition made by friends in loving memory of Robert Foster - local iconic designer and silversmith, artist, and visionary.
WHEN | Until Saturday 3 September |
WHERE | Craft ACT |
GO | Craft ACT |
Eat Drink
A night put on by the Rutherglen wine mob in homage to the spicy, plummy little gem that is Durif wine. A four course dinner matched with Durif wines from the Rutherglen region.
WHEN | Saturday 27 August from 7PM to 10PM |
WHERE | Mosaic room at Monster kitchen and bar |
COST | $140 |
GO | Book |
Eat Drink
A night of Muscat cocktails, canapé eating, and wine maker mingling. Come and learn about this Australian sweetie, Muscat.
WHEN | Friday 26th August 6PM to 9PM |
WHERE | The Mosaic room at Monster kitchen and bar |
COST | $100 per person |
GO | Book |
Based on the acclaimed BBC radio series by former British Museum director Neil MacGregor - a history of the world and shared humanity told through objects from Africa, the Americas, Asia and Europe.
WHEN | From Friday 9 September until Sunday 29 January |
WHERE | National Museum of Australia |
COST | $20 adult / $15 concession / $8 child / $45 family |
GO | NMA |
Poetry and performance about the social institutions and cultural norms that shape the way we think. From objectification to the government's asylum seeing policy.
WHEN | Friday 22 July from 7.30PM to 10.30PM |
WHERE | Gorman Arts Centre in the Gorman Main Hall |
COST | $5/$10 |
Love, loneliness and Gungahlin. An absurdist original play about loneliness and human connection set on the fringes of Canberra…
WHEN | Thursday 28 to Saturday 30 July at 7.30PM and Sunday 31 July at 6.30PM |
WHERE | The Street Theatre |
COST | $32/$38 |
Pianist and composer Matthew Sheens is launching his new album, 'Cloud Appreciation Day' - it sources from all sorts of place like West African grooves and 20th Century poetry.
WHEN | Sunday 24 July from 2PM to 3.30PM |
WHERE | Ainslie Arts Centre |
COST | $20/$25 |
GO | AAC |
The Palais de Versailles - generally know as the home of Louis XIV (aka Louis the Great aka the Sun King) and absolutism in Europe. The Palace has loaned the NGA some of its treasures.
WHEN | From Friday 9 December. |
WHERE | National Gallery of Australia |
GO | NGA |
Music Party
Hamish and Heath are bringing haus, techno and confused dancing to the parish floor. Hats are optional but nice.
WHEN | Saturday 23 July from 9PM |
WHERE | St Volodymyr's Church 82 Archibald St, Lyneham |
COST | $6/$11 online |
GO | FB |
Marcus (with a solo set of non-album tunes) and Alphamale with electronics, viola and vocals.
WHEN | Friday 19 August 8PM |
WHERE | Lowbrow |
COST | $5 |
GO | FB |
The Gaps. "Get a slice of funk, put some blues sauce on it, then slam it between two slabs of rock and enjoy."
WHEN | Friday 29 July 29 at 8PM |
WHERE | Lowbrow |
GO | FB |
Leah Senior and Melanie Horsnell and their pretty folk roots.
WHEN | Friday 29 July at 7PM |
WHERE | Smith's Alternative |
COST | $7/$10 |
GO | FB |
William Crighton and Claire Anne Taylor are making their way in from the NSW bush and the TAS rainforest to rip it up slowly and melodically.
WHEN | Sunday 24 July from 8PM |
WHERE | Smith's Alternative |
GO | FB |
Hungarian, Romanian and Gypsy music from Transylvania and beyond. Drink vodka. Cry tears. Hug one another.
WHEN | Saturday 27 August from 7PM |
WHERE | Smith's Alternative |
COST | $7/$10 |
GO | FB |
Old timey, bluegrass, country and 1920s style Hokum. Blues and ragtime baby. With The Plough, Den Hanrahan and the Rum Runners and Doctor Stovepipe.
WHEN | Friday 22 July at 8PM |
WHERE | Polish White Eagle Club |
COST | $10/$12/$15 online or at the door |
GO | FB |
The Canberra Musicians Club and Skandy Gramatic present 'The Hey Hey it's Saturday' tour with Latham's Grip, The Treehouse Children, Azim Zain and His Lovely Bones, and Duck Duck Ghost.
WHEN | Saturday 3 September from 8PM |
WHERE | Polish White Eagle Club |
COST | $15/$10/$8 online |
GO | FB |
The master! Plutonic Lab (Leigh Ryan (see Muph and Plutonic ('cause you know that we're heaps good!))) is coming to launch his new full length 'Deep Above The Noise'.
WHEN | Saturday 8 October from 8PM |
WHERE | Transit bar |
COST | $20 online |
GO | FB |
Indie pop punk bands Camp Cope (MELBS) and Cayetana (USA) are playing a sideshow. Practice your high kicks.
WHEN | Wednesday 14 September from 8PM |
WHERE | Transit bar |
COST | $25 online |
GO | FB |
Pop rock outfit the Lulu Raes are launching their new EP 'All Our Parents Are Divorced'. Come for a shimmy.
WHEN | Saturday 10 September from 8PM |
WHERE | Transit bar |
COST | $15 online |
GO | FB |
L-Fresh THE LION is coming to make you put your hands up and get sweaty. With our much loved Omar Musa (rapper, poet, author) and Melb's Sukhjit (spoken word artist).
WHEN | Friday 9 September from 8PM |
WHERE | Transit bar |
COST | $15 online |
GO | FB |
Garage band Foam are launching their new single 'I Could Milk Myself' à la late 80’s/early 90’s.
WHEN | Thursday 18 August from 8PM |
WHERE | Transit bar |
COST | Free |
GO | FB |
Rumblr - local Andalusian desert rock band are launching their first EP. Yes please times a million. Friends OrbisTertius and Babyfreeze will be there to warm and shake things up.
WHEN | Saturday 23 July from 8PM |
WHERE | Transit bar |
COST | $10 at the door |
GO | FB |
Eat Drink
Monster has some new dishes on their breaky menu like Terra Preta truffled scrambled eggs on toast; and spelt and maple granola with roasted rhubarb, berries and whipped ricotta...
WHEN | Open every day from 6.30AM |
WHERE | Monster kitchen and bar |
COST | From $9 |
GO | Monster |
Help a bee out by making a swarm trap – a safe house for honey bees. In this workshop, you'll make your very own swarm trap to take home and install with the hope of providing shelter to a bee colony.
WHEN | Saturday 27.8 at 9AM to 12PM |
WHERE | Hotel Hotel |
COST | $95/$60 Concession |
GO | Fix and Make |
Melbourne’s Perimeter Books is holding a one-day art book shop in the Hotel Hotel x Perimeter library. With Warwick Baker, author of 'Belanglo' and Bartolomeo Celestino author of 'Surface Phenomena'.
WHEN | Saturday 16 July from 10AM to 5PM. |
WHERE | Hotel Hotel library on the ground floor |
It's all in the name really. Records - rock, funk, soul, jazz, reggae, blues, folk, psych, hip hop and more. Hosted by Moonshine Records and Sugar Sounds.
WHEN | Saturday 30 July from 10AM to 5PM |
WHERE | Smith's Alternative |
GO | FB |
They are (partially) closing the road and having a block party on Eloera and Lonsdale Streets. Market, street races, live acts, music and (it's not a party without) a float parade.
WHEN | Saturday 29th October 10AM to 10PM |
WHERE | Elouera and Lonsdale Streets, Braddon |
GO | FB |
Bob Brown! Omar Musa! Stan Grant! Sarah Wilson! Very many excellent beings will explore the theme of power, politics and passion in the inaugural Canberra Writer's Festival.
WHEN | Friday 26 to Sunday 28 August |
WHERE | Multiple locations |
GO | CWF |
Film Talk Workshop
Local, national and international film screenings and workshops and talks on all things film related.
WHEN | Thursday 27 October to Sunday 6 November |
GO | Program |
A group exhibition curated by Alexander Boynes - 2° investigates climate change, it’s effect on the present, and the struggle to avoid environmental disaster.
WHEN | Opens Friday 15 July at 6PM, until Saturday 20 August |
WHERE | CCAS, Gorman Arts Centre |
GO | FB |
Strangeways DJs is putting on a night of booty shaking till dawn (which is pretty late). Featuring Architect DJs, Eddie Shaggz, Growly Radar, Ced Nada, Megan Bones and more.
WHEN | Saturday August 6 at 8PM to 4AM |
WHERE | Transit |
COST | $10 if you get there before 10PM |
GO | FB |
Joseph Liddy and the Skeleton Horse are on tour sprucing their new album 'The Big Sarong'. Get your funk on and shake it off with some hypnotic transcendental rock.
WHEN | Friday 15 July |
WHERE | The Phoenix |
COST | $10 at the door |
GO | FB |
80's prom gear! Dance off! With MC Duane LeCorey Michaels and Corey DJ's.
WHEN | Saturday 13 August from 7PM |
WHERE | Polish Club |
COST | $25 |
GO | FB |
The Sunday Assembly asks the National Capital Authority, Malcolm Snow 'what kind of city do you want to live in'? In this talk Snow will be answering this question and many more.
WHEN | Sunday 17 July from 2.30PM to 4PM |
WHERE | Majura Hall, Dickson |
COST | Free |
GO | FB |
A design market with stalls from designers, makers, illustrators and graphic artists in Canberra. ?
WHEN | Saturday 23 July |
WHERE | Belconnen Arts Centre |
GO | Here |
The NGA hosts Australian artist Fiona Hall's installation from the 2015 Venice Biennale. Hall brings together disparate elements that find alignment around politics, finance and the environment.
WHEN | Until Sunday 17 July |
WHERE | National Gallery of Australia |
COST | Free |
GO | Wrong Way Times |
Eat Drink
A super casual hotdog night. They'll have a variety of dogs available, vegetarian included. Actual dogs welcome. Walk-ins only. BYO.
WHEN | Thursday 7 June from 5PM |
WHERE | Barrio Coffee Collective |
GO | FB |
You will love again. BYO neglected clothes to be repaired, re-imagined, remade or swapped. Expertise and materials will be on hand to ensure that you leave with a piece you can love again.
WHEN | Saturday 9.7 at 9.30AM to 11.30AM or 2.30PM to 4.30PM |
WHERE | Hotel Hotel |
COST | $10/$7 Concession |
GO | Fix and Make |
Canberra's own world class documentary film festival. Docos about equality, human rights, sustainability, refugees, disabilities, LGBT stories, technology in the modern world and music.
WHEN | Thursday 28 to Sunday 31 July |
WHERE | Palace Electric Cinema |
GO | Program |
The third in the ‘A Month of Saturdays’ conversation series. Karen Middleton sits down to talk about the big issues with environmentalist Tim Flannery.
WHEN | Saturday 17 September from 3PM |
WHERE | National Portrait Gallery |
COST | Free |
GO | NPG |
A major Skyspace by American artist James Turrell. It's a beauty - a pyramid, a stupa, a viewing chamber, an offering to and from the sun gods.
WHEN | Every day at sunset and sunrise |
WHERE | National Gallery of Australia |
COST | Free |
GO | NGA |
Works from the new generation of painters from the epicentre of Western Desert art.
WHEN | Sunday 15 July until Sunday 14 August |
WHERE | Drill Hall Gallery, ANU |
GO | Deets |
Technologically-precise sculpture depicts an artist. Speculative painting depicts a philosopher. Together, in this focus display, they explore physical and psychological manifestations of self-hood.
WHEN | Friday 19 August until Sunday 27 November |
WHERE | National Portrait Gallery of Australia |
‘Swarm Trap’ is an exhibition of conceptual and functional architectural objects made for one of the planet’s more important species – bees.
WHEN | Until Sunday 10 July. |
WHERE | Nishi Gallery |
COST | Free |
GO | ST |
The first major survey of expressionist painter Michael Taylor’s works - paintings and drawings from six decades, sourced from major public and private collections throughout Australia.
WHEN | Saturday 9 July to Sunday 2 October |
GO | Deets |
Large, gold and inflatable, this ambitious project by Canberra artist, Jay Kochel, continues his exploration of the Japanese concept of ‘reading air’.
WHEN | Until 18 September |
A solo exhibition by Canberra-based emerging artist Anja Loughhead.
WHEN | Wednesday 13 July Sunday 31 July |
A solo exhibition by Judi Elliott. This body of work is inspired by a description of a life journey and is using Elliott's signature, technical glass styles of cast, cut, fused and assembled glass.
WHEN | Until Wednesday 27 August |
WHERE | Craft ACT |
GO | Craft ACT |
The sixth in the series, 'Embracing Innovation', looks at innovation in the arts with a focus on craft and design.
WHEN | Until Saturday 27 August |
WHERE | Craft ACT |
GO | Craft ACT |
Digital media artist George Khut is making an interactive artwork with his brainwaves by using biomedical sensing technologies to explore embodiment and mind-body processes.
WHEN | Wednesday 29 June to Sunday 17 July |
WHERE | National Portrait Gallery |
COST | Free |
GO | NPG |
Film Music
'Hear My Eyes' screening series - screening Xavier Dolan's 'Heartbeats' to a live score performed by Melbourne 80's analogue synth pop duo GL featuring Ella Thompson and Graeme Pogson. Good good good!
WHEN | Thursday 30 June at 7.30PM |
WHERE | The Street Theatre |
COST | $30 |
GO | Street |
Sydney-based 'Slumberhaze' are releasing the first single “Neon Demon” off their upcoming EP. Melodic electro pop. Real nice. Playing with Slow Tourismo' and 'Cape'.
WHEN | Thursday 30 June at 8PM |
WHERE | Transit |
GO | TB |
Music Party
Beating the drums in the name of the rich contributions made by refugees through mediums not often seen. With 'Tapestries Of Sound', 'Kazuki', 'Raio De Sol', 'Ghostnoises' and lots more.
WHEN | Friday 24 June from 7.30PM |
WHERE | Polish Club |
COST | $10 - $15 tix online or at the door |
GO | Tix |
A film about Swiss-born American photographer Robert Frank, best known for his 1958 photographs 'The Americans'.
WHEN | Wednesday 22 June at 6.30PM |
WHERE | National Gallery of Australia |
COST | $12 - $16 |
GO | NGA |
The world's latest 'hottest' docos. True to form the line up is preeeeetty great.
WHEN | Wednesday 15 to Sunday 26 June |
WHERE | Palace Electric Cinema |
GO | Line up |
A documentary about Russian-born Australian painter and sculptor, Danila Vassilieff, often referred to as the 'father of Australian modernism'.
WHEN | Saturday 23 July at 2PM |
WHERE | National Gallery of Australia |
COST | Free |
GO | NGA |
A portrait of sound artist and musician Phil Dadson, his ensemble 'Scratch' and the role of collectivism in art.
WHEN | Wednesday 13 July at 6.30PM |
WHERE | National Gallery of Australia |
COST | $12 - $16 |
GO | NGA |
A story by musician and performance artist Laurie Anderson about love, death and what it means to be human... With her dog Lolabelle as guide.
WHEN | Wednesday 6 July at 6.30PM |
WHERE | National Gallery of Australia |
COST | $12 0 $16 |
GO | NGA |
Directed by Russian film maker Alexander Sokurov - an essay about the Louvre, war booty, and the role of art as the spirit of civilisation. It's his love letter to the Louvre.
WHEN | Wednesday 29 June at 6.30PM |
WHERE | National Gallery of Australia |
COST | $12 - $16 |
GO | NGA |
Dreamland hip-hop artist, Melbourne's 'Juñor' is taking his psychedelic show on the road for a debut national tour. With 'Genesis Owusu' and local fave 'Jedbrii'.
WHEN | Thursday 7 July at 8PM |
WHERE | Transit |
COST | $15 |
GO | Tix |
Electronic folk soul - Sydney based 'Ngaiire' is on a national tour with her second album 'Blastoma' with her friends LANKS and Jack Grace.
WHEN | Saturday 9 July from 8PM |
WHERE | Transit |
COST | $20 |
GO | Tix |
'Playful Sound' (experimental multimedia event curators) are bring Adi Toohey to town to DJ. Come for a boogie.
WHEN | Friday 1 July from 9PM to 2AM |
WHERE | Transit |
COST | Free |
GO | FB |
Yup its a rockabilly/psychobilly rumble! With 'The Fire Katz', 'Bad Luck Kitty', 'The King Hits' and 'Raygun Rampage'.
WHEN | Saturday 25 June at 8PM |
WHERE | Transit |
COST | $10 / $15 at the door |
GO | TB |
The Martini Whisperer is holding a Martini Party in the Nishi Gallery. Martinis made with the good stuff (premium Australian craft spirits), canapés and jazz. Dress lounge glam.
Yes please.
WHEN | Saturday 19 June at 6.30 PM |
WHERE | Nishi Gallery |
COST | $89 |
GO | Tix |
"Just get freaky with a beard tonight". 'The Beards' are saying goodbye to their glamorous rock star lifestyle. But they are touring first. They are very silly.
WHEN | Wednesday 29 June at 8PM |
COST | $30 |
GO | ANU |
Albury 10-piece band The Northern Folk are heading up the Hume to team up with their good friend Tessa Devine to play their first Canberra Show.
WHEN | Friday 10 June at 8PM |
WHERE | Transit Bar |
COST | $5 |
GO | Transit |
Aussie hip hop!
WHEN | Thursday 9 June at 8PM |
WHERE | Transit Bar |
COST | $15 |
GO | Transit |
Shanti Shea An's work explores the role of intimacy and touch in painting.
WHEN | Thursday 23 June to Sunday 3 July |
WHERE | CCAS Manuka |
GO | More |
The Scandinavian Film Festival is back. Australian premieres of films from Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark and Iceland.
WHEN | Tuesday 12 July to Sunday 24 July |
WHERE | Palace Electric Cinema |
GO | SFF |
Often overlooked, this film makes the most of Nicolas Cage’s borderline psychotic onscreen persona. Cage is Frank, an emergency paramedic working the skeleton shift for too many years.
WHEN | Friday 15 July at 7PM |
WHERE | National Film and Sound Archive |
COST | $14 / $12 |
Liza Minnelli’s singer and Robert De Niro’s saxophonist meet on VJ Day, and together they make amazing music.
WHEN | Sunday 10 July at 2PM |
WHERE | National Film and Sound Archive |
COST | $14 / $12 |
One of Scorsese’s greatest.
WHEN | Friday 8 July at 7PM |
WHERE | National Film and Sound Archive |
COST | $14 / $12 |
It’s Scorsese at NFSA. Good and creepy times. Love Scorcese. Love De Niro. Double love 'Raging Bull' (1980, M).
WHEN | Saturday 2 July at 7PM |
WHERE | National Film and Sound Archive |
COST | $14 / $12 |
Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore (1974, PG). When Alice’s bore of a husband is killed in a highway accident, she takes to the road with her young son, seeking a new life, possibly as a singer.
WHEN | Saturday 2 July at 2PM |
WHERE | National Film and Sound Archive |
COST | $14 / $12 |
Taxi Driver (1976, R18+). 'Are you talking to me?’ Robert De Niro’s Vietnam veteran Travis Bickle works a night job driving taxis in New York, driven to action by the crime and debauchery...
WHEN | Friday 1 July at 7PM |
WHERE | National Film and Sound Archive |
COST | $14 / $12 |
'Oriented' (2015, MA15+) directed by Jake Witzenfeld is the story of three Palestinian friends exploring their sexual identity to the backdrop of Tel Aviv during the Israel-Gaza conflict of 2014.
WHEN | Thursday 2, Friday 3, Tuesday 7 and Wednesday 8 June at 7PM |
WHERE | National Film and Sound Archive |
COST | $14 / $12 |
An exploration of what you see when you’re looking sideways.
WHEN | Saturday 28 May 7.30PM to 11PM |
WHERE | Ainslie Arts Centre |
COST | $15 / $10 tix at the door or online |
GO | Creeky |
This performative work by Julia Higgs about the body, consumption and Western social ideologies that make up the ideal woman.
WHEN | Wednesday 1 June from 5.30PM to 6PM |
WHERE | Main Gallery, School of Art, ANU |
GO | ANU |
'Material Objects' a furniture exhibition by Elliot Bastianon and Andrew Carvolth.
WHEN | Opening party Friday 3 June from 6PM to 8PM; runs until Sunday 26 June. |
WHERE | Nishi Gallery |
COST | Free |
GO | Nishi Gallery |
An exhibition of recent paintings and mono-prints by Sue Chancellor, Elisa Crossing and Phil Page that brings together their thoughts on places over time.
WHEN | Thursday 16 June Sunday 3 July |
WHERE | M16 |
COST | Free |
GO | M16 |
Memories can be triggered by the simplest things – bindiis in the lawn, the smell of dagwood dogs at the show, floaties at the swimming pool.
WHEN | Thursday 26 May until Sunday 12 June |
WHERE | M16 |
COST | Free |
GO | M16 |
An homage to minimalism and the process of construction. Hugonnet recreates horizons with building materials that have a horizontal element.
WHEN | Thursday 26 May to Sunday 5 June |
WHERE | CCAS, Mauka |
COST | Free |
'Relics' by Diana Ellinger. "Bleached, saturated, uncomfortably laden with pattern, just a little bit tired, my paintings speak of their working process, the scars of their birth on their face."
WHEN | Thursday 9 June to Sunday 19 June |
WHERE | CCAS, Manuka |
COST | Free |
Mulatu Astatke and the Black Jesus Experience. The father of Ethio-Jazz and an eight piece global-funk-machine? Yes please.
WHEN | Monday 13 June at 6PM |
WHERE | The Street Theatre |
COST | $49 |
GO | Street |
Jazz and improv. With some of Australia's best musos.
WHEN | Saturday 11 June at 8PM |
WHERE | The Street Theatre |
COST | $40 / $35 |
GO | Street |
Three Yolngu boys reluctantly face the transition to adulthood navigating the constant push-pull between European and traditional culture.
WHEN | Friday 27 May at 2PM |
WHERE | National Film and Sound Archive, Arc Cinema |
COST | $5 |
When the ancient wisdoms of the universe held by the oldest culture on earth meet modern astrophysics, a new concept is born – cultural astronomy. A doc.
WHEN | Wednesday 1 June at 6.30PM |
WHERE | National Film and Sound Archive |
COST | $10 / $8 |
Designer Suzan Dlouhy makes new clothes from old clothes. BYO old denim to this workshop led by Suzan and make a new Japanese boro style utility apron or tote to take home. Tix
WHEN | Saturday 11 June at 9AM to 12PM or 10.15AM to 1.15PM |
WHERE | Hotel Hotel |
COST | $95/$60 Concession |
GO | Fix and Make |
Laura Palmer = melodic punk that should not be missed live.
WHEN | Friday 3 June |
WHERE | The Basement |
GO | FB |
A hands-on investigation into the objects that surround us – how they work, how to fix them, how to reclaim them, how to transform them and how to love them long time.
WHEN | Call for entries closes on Monday 5 June |
WHERE | Apply online at |
COST | Free |
GO | Fix and Make |
Join Sydney painter George Raftopoulos at the Nishi Gallery for an afternoon of colouring in and chatting about travelling the world.
WHEN | Saturday 21 May 1.30PM to 3PM |
WHERE | Nishi Gallery |
COST | Free |
GO | FB |
A new contemporary dance double bill by the Sydney Dance Company.
WHEN | Thursday 19 May to Saturday 21 May |
WHERE | Canberra Theatre |
COST | $30/$69 |
GO | SDC |
Eat Drink Shop
A nice hand made bowl with hot soup in it.
WHEN | Sunday 22 May from 10AM |
WHERE | Straithnairn Gallery |
GO | Bowl |
Two good bands - Mere Women (SYD) and Wives (CBR) and a first timer - Little Lunch are playing an ode to the forty-minute break between classes, complete with Le Snak cheese and cracker combo packs.
WHEN | Sunday 22 May |
WHERE | Lacklustre HQ |
GO | Deets |
Mellow sounds from Heart Beach (TAS), Low Talk (MELBS), Tom Woodward (CBR) and Low Stars (CBR).
WHEN | Friday 27 May at 8PM |
WHERE | The Polish Club |
COST | $15/$12/$10 |
GO | More |
Straight from Nova Scotia comes banjo songster Old Man Luedecke - this is a bizarre type of music Doc Boggs might have made if he'd studied poetry. Supported by Black Mountain String Band.
WHEN | Saturday 14 May at 8PM |
WHERE | The Polish Club |
GO | Old mate |
Solo exhibition by Colombian artist Rosario López.
WHEN | Wednesday 18 May to Sunday 5 June |
COST | Free |
A solo exhibition by Shellaine Godbold.
WHEN | Wednesday 8 June to Sunday 26 June |
COST | Free |
GO | More |
BAD!SLAM!NO!BISCUIT! Poetry slam every third Wednesday of the month. Sign-up 7:30pm, SLAM from 8PM.
WHEN | Every third Wednesday of the month. Sign up from 7.30PM. |
WHERE | The Phoenix |
GO | BAD! |
Australian art history frequently references male depictions of harsh and unforgiving lands to be conquered or celebrated as a great untouchable beauty often leaving out women’s experience altogether.
WHEN | Until Saturday 18 June |
WHERE | Gorman Arts Centre |
COST | Free |
GO | The ladies |
Actor, insult comedian, costume designer, and drag queen Bianca Del Rio is a pretty permanent fixture in the New York and New Orleans scene.
WHEN | Tuesday 24 May |
WHERE | The Playhouse |
COST | $53.40/$73.50 |
GO | Book |
Member of 'You Am I', dilettante, football fan, songsmith, legend, and all round nice man Tim Rogers plays songs from the last 20 years of his career and will be joined by compadre Davey Lane no less.
WHEN | Friday 13 May at 8PM |
WHERE | Canberra Theatre |
COST | $40 |
GO | Tim |
It's alive! Frank Oz's 1986 cult rock musical horror comedy 'The Little Shop of Horrors' has been revived. It's the story of a love sick hero and a blood thirsty plant.
WHEN | Wednesday 25 May to Sunday 29 May |
WHERE | Canberra Theatre |
GO | Horror |
Like a glitter comet from the wild side of the disco globe, Sugar Fed Leopards are a blazing sextet igniting dance-floors with a cosmic cocktail of disco, soul, doo-wop and hip swinging rock ‘n’ roll.
WHEN | Thursday 12 May |
WHERE | The Pheonix |
GO | The Pheonix |
George Raftopoulos plays with the notion of the migrant identity. His works are odd and he knows it. But being an oddity is all part of the migrant experience, it is a part of everyone’s humanity.
WHEN | Opens Friday 13 May at 6PM. Until Sunday 29 May |
WHERE | Nishi Gallery, 17 Kendall Lane, NewActon |
COST | Free |
GO | G Raf |
Let the light in with some gospel music brought to you by the angelic voices of the Soweto Gospel Choir, all the way from South Africa.
WHEN | Tuesday 16 August |
WHERE | Canberra Theatre Centre |
COST | $70-$95 |
GO | Canberra Theatre Centre |
Test your threshold of sensitivity and head to comedian Thao Thanh Cao's very politically incorrect and inappropriate stand up comedy show at Smith's Alternative.
WHEN | Thursday 12th May at 9.30PM |
WHERE | Smith's Alternative |
COST | $10/$15 |
GO | Smith's Alternative |
Aussie hip hop legends The Funkoars will be rocking Transit and all its contents as part of their Mad as Hell Tour. You'd be crazy to miss this gig.
WHEN | Wednesday 15 June at 8PM |
WHERE | Transit |
GO | Transit |
New films from the USA - thriller, melodrama, adventure, comedy, coming of age, body horror, political documentary, symphonic documentary, classics, music, cult, art, and biography.
WHEN | Tuesday 16 May to Sunday 28 May |
WHERE | Palace Electric Cinema |
GO | Tix |
Get down, get loose, get buzzzyy at Transit's regular hip hop event 'Boogie Down Vol. 2', where Canberra favourites roll up and represent so you can krunk it Crooklyn style.
WHEN | Thursday 12 May at 8PM |
WHERE | Transit Bar |
COST | Free |
GO | Transit |
An exhibition of perfectly imperfect objects, collected from around the world. Curated by Karen McCartney, Sharyn Cairns and Glen Proebstel, in collaboration with Hotel Hotel.
WHEN | Until Sunday 8 May. |
WHERE | Nishi Gallery |
COST | Free |
A mini market set up in suitcases. Come for a bargain, a swap, or an old-fashioned haggle.
WHEN | Sunday 27 November from 10AM to 2PM |
WHERE | NewActon Precinct |
COST | Free |
GO | Come |
Performance art in a party format. Expect music, theatre, dance, spoken word and live art. Last time it was an immersive performance party with guest appearances by all-girl punk band Glitoris.
WHEN | Saturday 4 June at 8PM |
WHERE | NewActon Precinct |
COST | $20 early bird / $37 |
GO | NA |
Exhibition Performance
An eight-day drawing performance titled 'stCloud: Frost Drawing' by Gosia Wlodarczak. Wlodarczak looks to connect cultural spaces and their systems of sharing artwork, knowledge and information.
WHEN | Saturday 7 May to Sunday 15 May 9AM to 5PM |
WHERE | The Street Theatre |
GO | Street |
Melbourne based artist Gosia Wlodarczak does drawing performances - intricate archival networks. She'll be talking about her work in the lead up to her eight day drawing performance.
WHEN | Saturday 7 May at 2PM |
WHERE | James O Fairfax Theatre at the NGA |
COST | Free |
GO | NGA |
Music Performance
Come and listen to some talented humans make beautiful music in our belly, on Nishi's grand staircase in the Hotel Hotel foyer. Tix at
WHEN | Tuesday 3 May, 12:30-2:00pm |
WHERE | New Acton grand staircase, Nishi Gallery and courtyard. Meeting place: John Avery Gardens next to Nishi Gallery in Kendall Lane. |
COST | $25/$55 |
GO | Canberra International Music Festival |
Music Performance
The Naked Bodies foursome have built a reputation for being one of the most electrifying and confronting live acts in the country. Their debut LP 'Piranha' is a chameleonic, genre-hopping explosion.
WHEN | Tuesday 21 June |
WHERE | The Front Gallery and Cafe |
COST | $10 |
GO | The Front Gallery and Cafe |
Live vicariously via the Banff Mountain Film Festival; basically an international film festival for people who love those crazy extreme mountain sports and her majesty mother nature.
WHEN | Saturday 14 May to Wednesday 18 May |
WHERE | National Film and Sound Archive Arc Cinema |
GO | Banff Mountain Film Festival |
Why is Batman so much better than Superman? What does the Dark Knight reveal about our struggle for truth and justice? If these questions ignite your bat senses then suit up and join the convo.
WHEN | Thursday 5 May at 6pm |
WHERE | Coombs Lecture Theatre, ANU |
GO | Australian National University |
Exhibition Performance
A live performance by Latai Taumoepeau where she relocates a 500kg block of ice with a shovel.
WHEN | Friday 29 April from 5.15PM to 7.30PM |
WHERE | Kendall Lane, beside Goodspeed Bicycle Co. |
COST | Free |
Emeritus Professor Gillian Triggs is coming to have a chat about Human Rights and Refugees. It's not going to be a light chat but it will be an important one.
WHEN | Wednesday 27 April 27 at 7PM |
WHERE | Llewellyn Hall, ANU |
COST | Free |
A dance party with good viiiiiibes. It's a good excuse to shake yo booty and make some $$ for Youth Care Canberra. Featuring - Cheese, Nay Nay, Victoria Mean and Megan Bones.
WHEN | Saturday 23 April from 8PM |
WHERE | Transit bar |
COST | $10 big ones |
GO | Cliché |
Music Talk
What does it mean to be an artist working in the Middle East today? Come and join the discussion punctuated by music from oud player, Joseph Tawadros.
WHEN | Sunday 1 May |
WHERE | National Gallery of Australia |
COST | $25-$55 |
GO | Canberra International Music Festival |
Italian classical tenor vocalist and musicologist Marco Beasley tells a tale accompanied by nothing more than some spooky candlelight, a book of tales and your imagination.
WHEN | Saturday 30 April |
WHERE | Fitters' Workshop |
COST | $25-$65 |
GO | Canberra International Music Festival |
Music Performance
Thirty fingers in perfect synchronicity. Direct from Spain come the three brothers Zapico: Aarón, Pablo and Daniel, aka Forma Antiqva.
WHEN | Saturday 30 April |
WHERE | Fitters' Workshop |
COST | $25-$55 |
GO | Canberra International Music Festival |
Music Performance
The opening gala to the Canberra International Music Festival features a star-studded concert with flavours from Mexico, Argentina and Australia.
WHEN | Friday 29 April |
WHERE | Fitters' Workshop |
COST | $25-$65 |
GO | Canberra International Music Festival |
Artists explore personal desires to have and to hold, sinful yearnings, urges to consume and possess through sensual and multi-disciplinary practices.
WHEN | Tuesday 3 May to Saturday 14 May |
WHERE | School of Art Foyer Gallery |
GO | ANU school of Art |
Deadpan is an exhibition of drawings responding to humanities absurd notions of self- importance.
WHEN | Tuesday 19 April to Saturday 30 April |
WHERE | School of Art Foyer Gallery |
GO | ANU School of Art |
In this focus exhibition Boyd’s self-portrait at age 25 is joined by his portraits of those around him.
WHEN | Wednesday 4 May to Sunday 14 August |
WHERE | National Portrait Gallery |
COST | Free |
GO | NPG |
Check out this years National Photographic Portrait Prize exhibition and introduce yourself to some talented Australian photographers and their beautiful muses.
WHEN | Saturday 19 March to Sunday 26 June |
WHERE | National Portrait Gallery |
COST | Free |
GO | NPG |
Eat Drink Exhibition
A tour of Fiona Hall's 'Wrong Way Time' exhibition with the senior curator Deborah Hart followed by a dinner that will be served to you the wrong way around.
WHEN | Friday May 20 at 6PM |
COST | $100 / $120 |
GO | Book |
Urgent and outrageous, 'Land Grabbing', shows us both sides of the contentious issue of land ‘acquisitions’.
WHEN | Saturday 4 June at 7PM |
WHERE | Palace Electric |
COST | $18.50 / $15 |
A collection-based focus display that looks at the colour Black, like what it means in 20th-century art, its capacity to elicit strong feelings or associations, whether poetic or political.
WHEN | Until Monday 13 June |
WHERE | National Gallery Australia |
COST | Free |
GO | Black |
Yoga in the Shed. Classes are free for Hotel Hotel guests. Just ask for a code at reception and book online.
WHEN | Monday 6.15PM to 7.30PM. Tuesday 12PM to 1PM, Wednesday 6.45AM to 7.45AM. Thursday 6.15PM to 7.30PM. Saturday 8AM to 9.15AM. |
WHERE | Flow Yoga Studio @ Nishi, NewActon (‘H’ level, directly above Palace Electric Cinema) |
COST | $18 / free for Hotel Hotel guests (just ask reception for a booking code). |
GO | Yoga |
What happens when the unstoppable force of climate change meets the immovable object of Australian politics?
WHEN | Saturday 16.4 9PM to 10.30PM |
WHERE | The Club |
GO | YAH |
Should taxpayers pay for ‘controversial’ art? Is political art compromised by taking money from the government? Ginger Gorman hosts a conversation featuring Mark Fletcher and Bernie Slater.
WHEN | Saturday 16.4 from 2PM to 3.30PM |
GO | YAH |
Over 30 artists partying it up in a laneway in Civic.
WHEN | Friday 15.4 from 6PM |
WHERE | Verity Lane, Civic |
COST | Free |
GO | YAH |
Exhibition Party Performance
A free 5 day curated showcase of independent and experimental arts in the Canberra CBD. Playful, irreverent and lo-fi. Over 90 events from poetry to dance to collaborations.
WHEN | Wednesday 13.4 to Sunday 17.4 |
WHERE | All around Canberra |
COST | Free |
GO | YAH |
A solo exhibition by abstract painter Emma Beer.
WHEN | Until Sunday 15 May |
A solo exhibition by object maker Rosalind Lemoh. Lemon's works look to find beauty in the banal and the discarded.
WHEN | Opens Wednesday 6.4 at 6PM to 24.4 |
The National Gallery, London, offers a fresh look at one of the most startling and fascinating artists of all – Johannes Vermeer, focusing on his relationship with music.
WHEN | Wednesday 11 May at 6.30PM |
WHERE | James O Fairfax Theatre National Gallery of Australia |
Total access to Amsterdam’s Van Gogh Museum. Amazing. The film also has interviews with curators and art historians who offer their interpretations and explanations of his work.
WHEN | Wednesday 18.5 from 6.30PM |
WHERE | James O Fairfax Theatre at the National Gallery of Australia |
COST | $12/$10 |
GO | NGA |
An intimate, behind-the-scenes documentary of 'Henri Matisse: The cut-outs' is about the most successful exhibition in the history of London's Tate Modern.
WHEN | Wednesday 4 May from 6.30PM to 8PM |
WHERE | James O Fairfax Theatre at the National Gallery of Australia |
COST | $12/$10 |
GO | NGA |
The Tjanpi weavers from the Central Desert, who collaborated with Fiona Hall on works in her 'Fiona Hall: Wrong way time' exhibition are holding a drop in meet, weave demo and workshop.
WHEN | Saturday 23.4 from 11AM to 4PM |
WHERE | National Gallery of Australia |
COST | Free |
GO | NGA |
A coming-of-drag story - 'Life, Love and Lip Synching'.
Mantrap straddles musical genres which span trip-hop and rock, to dance and folk, as a way of painting a hilarious and sometimes heart-wrenchin
WHEN | Saturday 16.4 10PM to 11PM (door open at 9.30 PM) |
WHERE | Smith's Alternative |
COST | $10 |
GO | Tickets |
is an irl exhibition that explores the representation and misrepresentation of women within cyber-culture.
WHEN | Thursday 14.4 to Sunday 24.4 |
WHERE | CCAS Manuka |
COST | Free |
GO | Cyber |
'The Lost Plans' - an exhibition by painter Yanni Pounartzis about Walter Burley Griffin and Marion Mahony Griffin's plans for Canberra from 1912.
WHEN | Opens Thursday 24.3 at 6PM until Sunday 10.4 |
WHERE | M16 Gallery |
GO | M16 |
Eat Drink
Here is what's open and when in NewActon over the Easter bunny long weekend.
WHEN | Easter long weekend |
WHERE | NewActon Precinct |
You will love again. BYO neglected clothes to be repaired, re-imagined, remade or swapped. Expertise and materials will be on hand to ensure that you leave with a piece you can love again.
WHEN | Saturday 16.4 at 9.30AM to 11.30AM or 2.30PM to 4.30PM |
WHERE | Hotel Hotel |
COST | $10/$7 |
GO | Fix and Make |
The Other Shore asks how one’s sense of self is entwined with national identity, and how a host environment affects our outlook and everyday lives.
WHEN | Until Friday 15 July |
WHERE | Australian Centre on China in the World, Fellows Lane, ANU |
COST | Free |
GO | Shore |
Iconic Australian, Ken Done will talk about his new memoir, A Life Coloured In. His most recent claim to fame is a commissioned work for Tay Tay.
WHEN | Friday 8.4 at 6.15PM |
COST | $70 |
GO | Done it |
Everyone gets to a point: enough art, let’s party. And that’s the plan. The Art, Not Apart Festival takes over Westside with an afterparty. 3D projections, acrobatics, fireworks and TOO MANY DJS.
WHEN | Saturday 19.3 at 7PM |
WHERE | Westside Acton Park |
COST | Free |
GO | F_ck |
Patterns of Now is the festival theme for Art, Not Apart 2016. This exhibition presents artists’ opinions on social, environmental and political issues facing the world today.
WHEN | Friday 18.3 to Sunday 3.4 OPENING party Friday 18.3 at 6PM |
WHERE | Nishi Gallery |
COST | Free |
GO | Now |
Art, Not Apart is a little festival for the arts. Canberra arts. No-one’s apart. The theme this year is Patterns of Now. The action is all in New Acton.
WHEN | Saturday 19.3 at 1PM to 7PM + After Parties |
WHERE | New Acton |
COST | Free |
GO | Not Apart |
Sound and Fury is the performance art after-party following Art, Not Apart. This latest instalment will flaunt and fuse the exceptional skills of performance artists from the region.
WHEN | Saturday 19.3 at 7PM |
WHERE | Nishi Gallery |
COST | $20 |
GO | Sound and Fury |
Suitcase Rummage is a mini scaled market with giant rewards; it promises to be everything that is a market without the hassle. Bring a suitcase and sell, or just have a rummage.
WHEN | Saturday 19.3 at 1PM to 6PM |
WHERE | Kendall Lane New Acton |
GO | Rummage |
Eat Drink
Make your own shucker with Alison Jackson. Learn how to shuck like a pro with Steve Feletti from Moonlight Flat Oysters. Bring out an oyster’s delicate flavour with Dan Flatt from Monster.
WHEN | Sat 2.4 at 9AM to 2.30PM |
WHERE | Hotel Hotel |
COST | $165 / $115 concession (including light lunch) |
GO | Fix and Make |
Eat Drink
We are celebrating Good Food Month with two Good Brothers, Sean and Matt McConnell. Matt of Bar Lourinhã and his brother Sean of Monster kitchen and bar are cooking Easter Lunch.
WHEN | Sunday 27.3 at 12.30PM |
WHERE | Monster Kitchen Bar |
COST | $100/$170 with matched wines |
GO | Good Food Month |
Bees are excellent architects. And they pollinate up to 80% of the food we eat. This little display of twelve sculptures was made by artist Giorgia Mocilnik, beekeeper Honeyfingers and honeybees.
WHEN | From Sat 6.2 to Sun 20.3 |
WHERE | Display cases on the ground floor of Hotel Hotel |
COST | Free |
GO | The Planthunter |
Join Barbara Blackman in conversation with Kerry Stokes for the launch of Barbara's new collection of essays, All My Januaries: Pleasures of Life and Other Essays.
WHEN | Sunday 24.4 at 12PM |
WHERE | National Library Australia |
COST | $15 |
GO | Blackman |
The Spanish Film Festival. Dramas, romances, thrillers and major box-office hit comedies from across Spain, plus a selection of gems from Latin America.
WHEN | Until Sunday 8 May |
WHERE | Palace Electric |
GO | Espanyol |
She's been writing books and she knows what up. Join ANU and The Canberra Times and meet Niki Savva and get the inside info. She'll be in convo with Kerry-Anne Walsh to discuss her new book.
WHEN | Monday 21.3 at 6.30PM |
COST | Free |
GO | Savvy |
From Seychelles to Fremantle, Grace Barbe is bringing her Afro-Kreol tunes - a fusion of tropical island rhythms with African percussion, reggae, pop, rock and latin flavours to Canberra.
WHEN | Friday 15.4 at 8PM |
WHERE | The Polish Club |
COST | $20/$15/$10 |
GO | Barbes |
These kewl kats, a band of party animals are bringing their empire to Canberra for their Rising With The Sun Tour. Rising with the sun is definitely optional.
WHEN | Sunday 22 May at 8PM |
WHERE | Canberra Theatre Centre |
COST | $65 |
GO | Cats |
The twenty year old spoof of the illustrious Archibald Prize - the Baldy Archy paintings range from the hilarious to the that's just rude.
WHEN | Until Monday 14.3 |
WHERE | Watson Arts Centre |
COST | $4/$5 |
GO | Baldy |
Canberra Slamboree featuring 2012 World Poetry Champion Harry Baker, Raphael Kabo, poetry from you (yeah you, do it) and others, DJ Sailor V and Brown Owl. Fun fun fun.
WHEN | Friday 1st April 7.30PM to 10PM |
WHERE | The Front |
GO | Slam |
Bangarra’s Stephen Page makes his feature film directorial debut with this vibrant dance film, depicting the journey of young Aboriginal man Djali.
WHEN | Thursday 10.3 to Wednesday 23.3 |
WHERE | National Film and Sound Archive |
COST | $14/$12 |
GO | Spear |
Sydney based composer and sound artist Austin Buckett performs a set of solo piano improvisations followed by a performance of his Grain Loops piece, recently released as an LP.
WHEN | Thursday 10.3 at 7PM |
WHERE | Ainslie and Gorman Arts Centre |
COST | $10/$15 |
GO | Buckett |
Hunter the label (Canberra fashion label) and Sunday (Melbourne fashion label) have a pop up shop. All locally designed and made.
WHEN | Until Sunday 28.2 |
WHERE | Unit 5, 26 Elouera St, Braddon |
GO | Hunter X Sunday |
The average Australian household with children has in excess of 100 toys. Yikes. Most end up as landfill. A talk with Arvind Gupta – a scientist, day-dreamer, inventor and toymaker.
WHEN | Friday 26.2 |
WHERE | Mosaic room, Hotel Hotel |
COST | $25 / $15 |
GO | Fix and Make |
Drop on in to meet Arvind Gupta – a scientist, day-dreamer, inventor and toymaker who lives and works in India. He’ll be hanging out whipping up toys from household waste.
WHEN | Saturday 27.2 |
WHERE | Mosaic room, Hotel Hotel |
COST | Free |
GO | Fix and Make |
Make toys and create experiments from household materials usually thrown away with Arvind Gupta – a scientist, day-dreamer, inventor and toymaker who lives and works in India.
WHEN | Saturday 27.2 at 2PM to 4PM |
WHERE | Fix and Make Shed, Hotel Hotel |
COST | $30 |
GO | Fix and Make |
Maruku Arts is an Aboriginal owned and run business which gathers art from the Ngaanyattjara Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara lands. They show their vibrant paintings and wood carvings at ANU.
WHEN | Saturday 5.3 to Saturday 12.3 OPENING Friday 4.3 at 7PM |
WHERE | ANU School of Art |
COST | Free |
GO | Maruku |
Fringe Dwellings interrogates Canberra’s rapid suburban development and considers the aesthetics of progress, and the ongoing dispossession of Indigenous Australia.
WHEN | Until Sunday 20.3 |
WHERE | Photo Access |
COST | Free |
GO | Fringe |
Get acquainted with the trees of the Arboretum's forests and enjoy the views on a guided forest walk.
WHEN | Every Sunday at 10AM |
WHERE | National Arboretum. Meet at the Village Centre |
COST | Free |
GO | Walk |
Matt Chun re-imagines the environment of his hometown in an act of personal quietude, dissembling spatial expanse and tangible form, to distil thought and sensory perception into drawing.
WHEN | Until Sunday 13.3 |
WHERE | Nishi Gallery |
COST | Free |
GO | South |
Oui Oui it's the Alliance Française Film Festival. It's always a good time.
WHEN | Thursday 3.3 to Tuesday 29.3 |
WHERE | Palace Electric Cinema |
GO | C'est la vie. |
Groovers get grooving. Ratatat, The Rubens, British India and many more are coming to Canberra for a day and you can see them.
WHEN | Sunday 24.4 |
WHERE | Canberra Uni |
COST | $110 |
GO | Moo |
Collectibles and small antiques at Canberra's Portobello Road market. It's all about the thrill of the chase. Fossick, hunt, stalk...
WHEN | Sunday 27.3 at 10AM to 4PM |
WHERE | Old Bus Depot Market |
COST | Free |
GO | Portobello |
Goodspeed bikes are all geared up for their monthly market. Second hand, spare, rare, collectable and vintage parts for sale.
WHEN | First Sunday of the Month |
WHERE | Kendall Lane New Acton |
GO | Good |
An evening to commemorate the life and art of David Bowie. With live music from Alice Cottee, spoken word tributes by Hannah McCann and Duncan Driver and a special performance by Venus Mantrap.
WHEN | Saturday 13.2 at 7PM |
WHERE | Ainslie and Gorman Arts Centre |
COST | $10 |
GO | Bowie Balls |
This glass is full. An afternoon of glass artist chats with Ausglass Artist in Residence Simon Maberley, Marina Hanser and Debra Jurrs.
WHEN | Thursday 4.2 at 4.30PM |
WHERE | Canberra Glassworks Foyer |
COST | Free |
GO | Glassy |
Eat Drink
Learn three preserving techniques with Monster head chef Dan Flatt. Sharpen your own knives with expert sharpener Cheng Fei. Find out how knives are made with Rowan McLachlan of Rowsaan.
WHEN | Sat 12.3, 9AM - 3PM |
WHERE | Hotel Hotel |
COST | $165 / $115 concession (including light lunch) |
GO | Fix and Make |
Darlings of the critics, Harriet and Pierce play the exaggerated worst versions of themselves. In pantsuits and pom poms that confront everything that is wrong with this evil selfish world.
WHEN | Tuesday 16.2 to Saturday 20.2 |
WHERE | Gorman Arts Centre |
COST | $25/$20 |
GO | Won |
Eat Drink
Everyday can't be a picnic but Fridays can be. There's a new pop up bar happening on the National Library's Terrace. Views of Lake Burley, cocktails, yum cha and noodles.
WHEN | Fridays from 5PM |
WHERE | Picnic. Terrace of the National Library |
GO | Picnic |
This talks explores the dynamics of why we buy. Why are we seduced by certain objects? Does buying make us happy? Why do we keep coming back for more?
WHEN | Wednesday 10.2 |
WHERE | Palace Electric Cinema |
COST | $25 / $15 |
GO | Fix and Make |
An exhibition of handmade objects curated by Bree Claffey (Mr Kitly) and Sarah K (The Other Hemisphere / super cyclers) for school. 13 designers from around Australia.
WHEN | Saturday 7.11 to 5.2 2016 |
WHERE | The object cabinets in the public lounge of Hotel Hotel |
COST | Free |
GO | Fix and Make |
Journalist and author Stan Grant will discuss his new book, Talking To My Country, a personal meditation on race, culture and national identity.
WHEN | Tuesday 23.2 at 6PM to 7.30PM |
COST | Free |
GO | Stan |
The Famous Spiegeltent comes to Civic Square again. There's mimes, magic, cabaret, reggae and more from all over the world, plus 40 sideshows.
WHEN | Friday 19.2 to Monday 14.3 |
WHERE | Spiegeltent |
GO | Spiegel |
SoundOut is an international free improvisational, free jazz and experimental music festival.
WHEN | Saturday 30.1 to Sunday 31.1 |
WHERE | Ainslie Arts Centre |
COST | $35 to $115 |
GO | Out |
For all the sophisticats. Sunday Afternoon Jazz at the Museum of Australian Democracy.
WHEN | Sundays at 1PM to 2.30PM |
WHERE | Museum of Australian Democracy |
COST | Free |
GO | Jazz |
Gunna write? Gunna write better, different... Catherine Deveny, comedian and all round excellent lady is coming to tellya how you can unblock ya creative digestive system with her writing masterclass.
WHEN | Saturday 27.2 from 10AM to 4PM |
WHERE | A. Baker |
COST | $250/$290 |
GO | Gunna book |
Tommy Balogh pushes the gallery opening hours well into the night with his ambitious project Voyage. Opening party Friday 5.2 from 6PM. Come for wine and space travel.
WHEN | Friday 5.2 to Sunday 21.2 |
WHERE | Nishi Gallery |
COST | Free |
GO | Voyage |
Synergy Percussion and the ACO showcase the thrilling sonic possibilities of strings, percussion and the music of some great films.
WHEN | Saturday 9.4 at 7.15PM |
WHERE | Llewellyn Hall |
COST | $46 to $98 |
GO | Cine |
With music by day and movies by night, Openair Cinemas support local musicians and play a mix of favourite cult classics and new release films.
WHEN | Thursday 14.1 to Sunday 21.2 |
WHERE | Patrick White Lawns Parkes Place West |
COST | $30/$25 |
GO | Cinema |
Bring your swimmers and a beach towel, feel the sand between your toes, relax in baby pools or spend the day on the water slide all while listening to Triple J's Hottest 100 at Westside Acton Park.
WHEN | Tuesday 26.1 at 10AM to 11PM |
WHERE | Westside Acton Park |
COST | $39/$34 |
GO | Hottest |
The city’s national attractions open their doors after-hours to host an array of events and surprising experiences.
WHEN | Friday 4.3 to Saturday 12.3 |
WHERE | Around Town |
COST | Free |
GO | Light |
With the Encounters exhibition as a backdrop, meet new generations of Indigenous artists and practitioners who are keeping culture alive and strong. Talks, music, film and more.
WHEN | Tuesday 26.1 at 10AM to 2PM |
WHERE | National Museum |
COST | Free |
GO | Continuing Culture |
Join acclaimed Australian author Anna Funder for a night of literary chat, wine and dinner. She will be joined in conversation by ABC presenter Alex Sloan to discuss her books and much more.
WHEN | Thursday 18.2 at 6.15PM |
WHERE | ANU University House |
COST | $70 |
GO | Eat Drink |
Violence rumbles through the streets, with two families at war. From such angry beginnings flame the fire of passion and forbidden love. Presented by Bell Shakespeare.
WHEN | Friday 1.4 to Saturday 9.4 |
WHERE | Canberra Theatre Centre |
COST | $35 - $90 |
GO | Roses are Sweet |
Get giggly at the Canberra Comedy Festival. All the funny people will be there.
WHEN | Tuesday 15.3 to Sunday 20.3 |
WHERE | About Town |
Lawrence Mooney will throw ideas at you and you get decide what lives and what dies — you got the power.
WHEN | Wednesday 3.2 to Wednesday 10.2 |
WHERE | Canberra Theatre Centre |
COST | $25 |
GO | Mooney |
Sufjan Stevens! Oh ma gawd! Many exclamation points.
WHEN | Thursday 25.2 at 7.30PM |
WHERE | Canberra Theatre Centre |
COST | $98.40 |
GO | Tickets |
The Harvest Festival returns. The Environment Centre will be cooking gourmet, organic food made entirely from local produce while local producers showcase their harvest.
WHEN | Saturday 19.3 |
WHERE | Canberra Environment Centre |
GO | Harvest |
An exhibition of the work and collaborations of master printer Kenneth Tyler. Elaborate graphic artworks from a diverse range of artists are shown here in the context of their making.
WHEN | until Sunday 8.5 |
WHERE | NGA Contemporary |
COST | Free |
GO | Behind the Scenes |
See and learn about Australia’s iconic trees on a one hour guided walk through the National Botanic Gardens which has one third of all Australian plant species.
WHEN | Until Sunday 26.7 at 11AM or 2PM |
WHERE | National Botanic Gardens |
COST | Free |
GO | NBG |
Poetry Slam. 12 poets, 6 judges. Sign up to be judged or come along and just judge. It's on the third Wednesday of every month.
WHEN | Every third Wednesday at 7PM |
WHERE | The Phoenix |
COST | Free |
GO | The Phoenix |
‘Centre for Advanced Imaging’ at the University of Queensland in St Lucia, Brisbane, designed by JWA in association with Wilson Architects in 2013. Photographed by Peter Bennett.
Context is a material to work with.
Our memories of particular types of form and their relationship to place can make for architecture dissonance and resonance.
Working with the public realm, moments can be found where the prosaic requirements of a bridge are recognised as a mechanism to frame civic space.
One building for work, another for the weekend – both seek to transform and amplify a material condition.
The words above have been lifted from John Wardle Architect’s recent monograph ‘This Building Likes Me‘. The book assembles thirty-six JWA projects as pairs, documented through photographs, drawings and models. The relationships between these pairs are sometimes obvious and sometimes obscure. It is also littered with short critical essays and reflections on contemporary architectural processes, preoccupations and projects…
The book has been extended from the page to the physical space with an exhibition called ‘Coincidences’. It is an interrogation into the boundaries between public and private spaces. Can a foyer have the intimacy of a living room? How might a house have the civic atmosphere of a university hall? These are questions we like.
This interrogation has been carried out by a number of prominent architectural photographers – Sharyn Cairns, Erieta Attali, Sam Noonan, Kristoffer Paulsen, Brett Boardman, Earl Carter, Peter Hyatt, Dianna Snape, Peter Bennett, John Gollings, Shannon McGrath, Trevor Mein, Max Creasy and artist, Peter Kennedy.
The photographers each visited two JWA buildings and took a single image of each site. The images are presented as a pair; thus drawing out points of commonality, ‘coincidences’, across seemingly unconnected architectural contexts.
We are presenting ‘Coincidences’ at the Nishi Gallery as part of our ongoing study of public and private realms and the ephemeral borders that connect and divide them.
‘Coincidences’ will be on show at the Nishi Gallery until 17 February.
We are having a little shindig on Friday 3 February to celebrate. At the Nishi Gallery from 6PM. Come and have a wine and a chat.