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Monster Kitchen and Bar Open! Book
Hotel Hotel Thursday 23:16 PM

Suzi McKinnon and Jai Tongbor

Suzi McKinnon and Jai Tongbor are the ones that get the things done. When we were setting up, they are the Batman and Robin behind the scenes of Hotel Hotel.

Sean McConnell

Sean McConnell the chef - an avid vegetable gardener and mushroom forager that thinks about food as a way of showcasing good ingredients.

Phill Rushby

On paper, Phill is the director of sales and marketing at Molonglo Group... But really he is ‘that nice guy that thinks a lot about people and place and is involved in the operation of everything”.

Johnathan and Nectar Efkarpidis, founders

Brothers Johnathan and Nectar Efkarpidis are the founders of Hotel Hotel.