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Monster Kitchen and Bar Open! Book
Hotel Hotel Thursday 7:08 AM

The story telling animals

Chris and Barrie Barton are the brothers from Right Angle Studio – a little studio whose motto is thoughts, words, deeds.

John McPhee

John McPhee’s thinking and writing shaped the Nishi Broached collection found on the ground floor of Hotel Hotel.

What’s with the decor (and the plight of the working traveller)

If you spend your whole day working your ass off and thinking about your next meeting or whatever it infiltrates your psyche and you become a boring work person. Travelling for work can be like that.

Lou and the Griffins

Lou Weis is the kind of guy you meet at a party and start a really interesting conversation with that forces you to excuse yourself to go to the bathroom every ten minutes.

Phill Rushby

On paper, Phill is the director of sales and marketing at Molonglo Group... But really he is ‘that nice guy that thinks a lot about people and place and is involved in the operation of everything”.

Johnathan and Nectar Efkarpidis, founders

Brothers Johnathan and Nectar Efkarpidis are the founders of Hotel Hotel.