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Monster Kitchen and Bar Open! Book
Hotel Hotel Friday 23:36 PM

Image: Siying Zhou, Our first Lamington made in Australia (detail), 2015

Chinese Whispers and Other Stories

Bringing together four emerging female artists of Chinese descent, this exhibition seeks to reveal the complex and shifting nature of cultural difference, identity and migrant stories in ‘multicultural’ Australia. Featuring interstate photo-based artists Pia Johnson, Tammy Law, Janelle Low and Siying Zhou. Curated by Pia Johnson.

The photographic media works negotiate notions of identity, racial discrimination and stereotyping, as well as reimagine the spaces we live in, what makes cultural differences and how it contributes to the narrative of a wider Australian identity. This exhibition is supported by a PhotoAccess 2017 Artist Support Package.

WhenExhibition runs 27 April - 21 May

It’s best to double check that events are happening – sometimes things don’t go to plan.
“Stercus accidit.” — David Hume.