Object Therapy
The often told story of a modern object is this. Object is made (somewhere). Object is sold (somewhere else). Object is broken (whoops). Object is binned (bummer). Object is buried (boo). Object Therapy strives to remedy the sad adventures of an object from life, through love, to death. Bring along your damaged or broken items – household objects, toys, sentimental items, accessories – for assessment, diagnosis, remaking or repair by a team of experts.
A hands-on investigation into the objects that surround us – how they work, how to fix them, how to reclaim them, how to transform them and how to love them long time.
All Fix and Make program attendees get 15% off their stay at Hotel Hotel. Book via hotel-hotel.com.au using the booking code HHFIXANDMAKE. Fine print – subject to availability and not available on some Saturdays or parliamentary sitting dates.
When | Call for entries closes on Monday 5 June |
Where | Apply online at fixandmake.com.au |
Cost | Free |
More | Fix and Make |
“Stercus accidit.” — David Hume.