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Thirringgenyji by Betty Carrington, 2014.

Women Artists from Warmum

From the remote East Kimberley region of Western Australia comes the art of five senior Gija artists, Peggy Patrick, Betty Carrington, Lorraine Daylight, Nancy Nodea and Jane Tinmarie-Yalunga, whose lives have been driven by the need to put cross-cultural communication and education into practice through art. What connects these artists is an encyclopaedic knowledge of Gija Country, their skills as expert cross-cultural communicators and educators, and the desire to share their art within their own community and with audiences beyond.

The exhibition has been curated by the Nancy Sever Gallery and the Warmun Art Centre in Western Australia where the artists live and work.

WhenWednesday 10.2 to Sunday 6.3
WhereNancy Sever Gallery

It’s best to double check that events are happening – sometimes things don’t go to plan.
“Stercus accidit.” — David Hume.