Creative Endeavours


Hotel Hotel is a hotel. A place of collaborative craftsmanship conceived of and made by artists, makers, designers and fantasists. We are a place of ongoing cultural creation and creative expression. We are supportive of other people’s creative pursuits and fascinated by all forms of creative endeavour; from art and design to film-making, collecting, writing, gardening and growing, cooking, curating, tinkering, re-thinking, fixing and making.


Creative Endeavours is a program that creates occasions to nurture the creative interests of all Hotel Hotel and Monster staff. Through Creative Endeavours you can propose your own creative ideas for realisation in and around Hotel Hotel.

It also includes a series of classes where your can explore your interests.

By breaking out of everyday routines and creating the conditions that allow us to play and explore ideas and interests, we hope to stir and cultivate a curious and collaborative work place.

Creativity is a phenomenon whereby something new and valuable is formed, such as an idea, a scientific theory, an invention, a literary work, a painting, a musical composition, a system, a joke, etc. It is the process of producing something that is both original and worthwhile, It can come in many forms and can be applied to all areas of life and work.

At Hotel Hotel creativity spills into all areas of our operations. Some examples include designing new guest services, developing new programs and events, creating new ways to communicate with and engage our community, developing new landscapes and plantings, creating new floral arrangements and object displays.


A series of classes, talks and excursions where you can explore your interests. Spots are limited so sign up without delay. Once you have registered we will be in touch with all the finer details.


Oyster excursion to Moonlight Flat

DATE TO BE CONFIRMED Jump on the bus and head to Batemans Bay for the day to visit Moonlight Flat Oysters. You'll go out in a punt at high tide to see a variety of oysters growing. Afterwards, head to the oyster shed to build your oyster knowledge. Learn about different commercial species, the history of the oyster, commercial distribution, production methods, finishing, marketing and handling. There'll be lots of FOH and BOH tips for caring for, cleaning and serving oysters, as well as lots of hands on activities. Finish the day with oysters, food and wine. Picnic provisions and wine will be provided by Monster.


An introduction to natural beekeeping with Dermot

DATE TO BE CONFIRMED An introduction to the basics of bee-friendly, natural, organic, small-scale beekeeping with Hotel Hotel beekeeper Dermot. You will leave the class with knowledge of the fundamentals of natural beekeeping.



Got an idea that could make Hotel Hotel, NewActon or greater Canberra a better place to be? Do you have a burning professional or personal interest that you would like to explore but lack a platform? Have you identified a course, training or a work exchange program that will broaden your contribution to Hotel Hotel? Through Creative Endeavours you can propose a new idea for the way something is currently done or propose a new initiative entirely. Read the application form and submit online.

Who is eligible to apply?

Any current HH staff member (casual, part-time or full-time) from any department. Staff must must have worked at Hotel Hotel for a minimum of 12 months to apply.

What sort of creative endeavours does Hotel Hotel support?

Creativity comes in many forms. Hotel Hotel supports are variety of endeavours across a variety of fields. To get you thinking some possible examples include:
- Curating new displays in our object cases
- Curating new music playlists for Monster
- Conceiving a new VIP reward system
- Developing a new recycling system
- Conceiving a new signage system around NewActon
- Designing a new guest service
- Conceiving a new public event such as a gig in Monster, an exhibition in Nishi or an activity out on the bush
- Arranging the flowers throughout HH for an special event or change of season
- Writing a new article for our blog
- Participating in an work exchange, workshop and external training
- Developing a new inventory system for managing HH assets
- Developing a new system for growing food on site
- Developing new ways to engage the NewActon or wider Canberra community
- Designing a new series of staff events, workshops or courses
- Activating an under utilised space in or around HH
- Developing a partnership or supporting a social enterprise
- Developing a new HH product / object
- Conceptualising a new marketing or communications initiative
- Curating a special book section in the library
- Establishing and managing a community garden
- Creating a book, magazine or activity book for HH visitors

We support proposals that align with our values. We value the environment. There are countless sustainability processes built in to our everyday process and we honour the local. We value participation and believe good things are made by many. Collaboration is fundamental to our success. We value tolerance and diversity and we carefully consider our offering, activities and design to appeal to all kinds of people. We love the handmade and avoid the shiny and mass-produced.

Successful submissions will align with our standards as outlined in the Manifesto. For example, if you have an idea for curating a new display of objects or artwork, review our Art and Object standards and consider these when developing your idea.

How will we support your creative endeavour?

Here at Hotel Hotel, we have lots of experience in getting weird and wonderful ideas off the ground. If your proposal is selected we won’t leave you hanging. Here’s a list of the things we will do to support you and the successful development of your idea.
- We will ensure you have hours allocated to develop your project. Like any creative idea we expect there will be an out of hours effort required by you to get your endeavour off the ground.
- If appropriate, we will match you with a mentor to help you develop your project (either someone internal or an external collaborator).
- We will fully fund the costs of your endeavor. We will also provide curatorial, marketing, development, production and technical support as required.
- We will communicate and celebrate the outcomes of your endeavour on our blog and social media.

What is the selection criteria?

All applications will be reviewed with rigour against the criteria outlined below. Like all areas of our operations we strive for quality, originality and excellence, and endeavours will be selected in this spirit.
Applications that best align with the following criteria will be progressed.
- The extent to which the proposed endeavor aligns with our values, standards, approach and philosophy.
- The extent to which the idea will contribute to the dynamic culture or sustainability of Hotel Hotel or wider Canberra
- The degree of originality and imagination in the proposed endeavour.
- The viability of the idea and the capacity for the idea to be achieved with our current resourcing.
- The ability it implement the endeavour to our high standards with rigour and excellence.

How are applications reviewed?

The applications are reviewed by the General Manager, Creative Director, Director of Special Projects and Cultural Programs, Director of Branding and Words and the HR Manager. All applicants will be notified in writing of the outcome of their proposal 6 weeks after the date of submission.

Submitting your application

Please discuss your project with the Director of Special Projects and Cultural Programs before submitting.
Applications are currently being accepted for the period of 1 Feb 2017 – 30 Jan 2018.
Application must be submitted via the form only.
All applicants will be notified in writing of the outcome of their proposal no more than 6 weeks after the date of submission.

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