Our offering

At Hotel Hotel we try and make everyday experiences special. Whether visitors enter the reception via the library or up the Grand stair, whether they linger in our public lounge, wander through Monster kitchen and bar or weave through our corridors to retreat to the enclaves of their rooms Hotel Hotel is characterised by warmth, authenticity and individuality.

Our values

These are the things that are important to us – they speak of how we see the world.

Creative endeavor

We admire the creative pursuits of others and encourage the personal interests of staff.

Our environment

We live in one of Australia’s most radically sustainable buildings. An ever-growing number of seemingly simple environmentally considered processes are built into our daily operations. We also connect closely to our physical environment. Our design and approach is quintessentially Australian from the materials we use to the local artists and makers we commission, to the flowers we specify.


Good things are made by many. We want others to take part in the continued creation and evolution of Hotel Hotel – you, as a Hotel Hotel family member and our creative and activist friends.

Tolerance and diversity

Hotel Hotel is for everyone. Business people, students, artists, creatives, public servants, children, people on the fringe, people from different cultures and people with different abilities. We treat all people with respect and revel in our differences.


We avoid the shiny and the mass produced. We bring together design innovation and craft in new ways to build character. Handmade artisan undertones are echoed throughout each element of the Hotel Hotel’s
 carefully considered design. We approach all that we do with sensitivity.