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How to move (or not move) furniture

This 'How to' is designed to ensure the furniture throughout the hotel and apartments isn't moved inappropriately.

all staff must ensure the required level of quality for this procedure is maintained at all times and that all staff, contractors and suppliers that this procedure affects are aware and trained.


  1. Furniture or small items should never be moved by housekeeping or management between rooms or apartments under any circumstances. Furniture in apartments often belongs to individual apartment owners (not us!!) and we do not have their authority to move. If a guest is not happy with a furniture item, move the guest, not the furniture item (under this circumstance guests should be charged with a cleaning fee).
  2. The suite of furniture from the Nishi Gallery should be either in the gallery or in the designated area in the site office – see image below. This furniture is labelled and should never be used for other purposes. The suite of furniture comprises of
    • 3 brass coffee tables
    • 9 rag stools
    • 1 brass round dining table
    • 1 white hair chair
  3. If an item of furniture in a room or apartment requires maintenance and it cannot be done on the spot the item can be moved from the location for repair. It is imperative the art register is temporarily updated. The person managing the repair must email [email protected] who will make a note on the Art Register. Once repaired and back in circulation [email protected] must be notified again so that the Art Register can be updated.
  4. Furniture in the Monster Salon and Dining rooms should never be cleared for events. Our furniture should be considered as valuable and permanently placed. It is heavy and difficult for staff to move and many resources are required to do so, making it expensive. It is also difficult to rearrange to specification. In the rare instance that an special event requires the removal of furniture in the Monster Salon and Dining rooms the GENERAL MANAGER should be notified, and must give explicit approval. If approved, a professional moving company must be contracted to do the move and overnight store with the expense built in to the cost of the event. In this instance, furniture should be stored overnight by the moving company.
  5. Furniture items can only ever be stored in the Kitchen Corridor and Site Office – Furniture store. Signs identifying what is to be stored where must be hung and maintained, and items stored must match the storage inventories.
  6. Always use two or more people to move a furniture item.

Nishi Gallery temporary storage location