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How to email

This 'How to' is designed to cut down on unnecessary emails and ensure that all emails set are concise and set to brand guidelines.

all staff must ensure the required level of quality for this procedure is maintained at all times and that all staff, contractors and suppliers that this procedure affects are aware and trained.


  1. All emails must include a completed subject line.
  2. The subject line should include HH | followed by a concise message subject (the | key is SHIFT + \). If the subject is in two parts, separate it with an em dash (ALT + – or ALT + 0150). For example,
    HH | Email Communications – How To
  3. All emails body copy should be set in 10pt Arial in black. Never use a coloured font of larger font.
  4. In the first instance or for formal correspondence our greeting is Hello, please don’t use Hello Hello. Our preferred sign off is Thanks or With thanks.
  5. Ensure the content is accurate, spelt correctly and with correct grammar.
  6. Emails should always be written in plain, everyday english. Avoiding clichéd corporate language and email jargon. Get straight to the point, without fluffing and wrapping non-essential phrases around sentences.
  7. Ensure the content does not include any information that should not be sent via email (confidential etc.) for example credit card numbers
  8. Staff are not to cc in colleagues unless if they need to answer the email or it is directly relevant to them.
    If  you are responding to a guest complaint, don’t cc in all the Duty Managers, Reception and Concierge on the back and forth.  Wait until you have a solution/reply and send one email with a final outcome to action.
    For menu changes, only email chef Sean and Dan and not multiples from the kitchen. It is the department heads decision to push the actions to their teams.
  9. Do not have lengthy discussions via email – a phone call or meeting is best and then a brief email with dot points of the solutions can be sent as a record of discussion…again remember that anything via email can be used for or against you.  Keep emails short and to the point.
  10. Where emails can be avoided, pick up the phone and do face to face communication.
  11. Touchy subjects should not be emailed.  Have a conversation face to face because emails can be misread/interpreted.
  12. When people are away on vacation, do not email or cc them into emails unless if 100% necessary.  One of the worst things is to come back from holidays and find 1000 emails and you don’t know where to start.  Even worse is to feel like you have to work your entire holiday!
  13. All emails are to be answered within a 24 hour period. If we follow step number 4 – 8 you are only going to receive emails that are relevant to you and require an answer from you.  This of course excludes answering emails on your day off, you need to rest and if the matter is that urgent the person should call you
  14. The format for all out of office auto reply is;
    • I am out of the office with limited / no access to email until 27 September. For urgent issues please contact the reception on +61 2 6287 6287 or [email protected]u
    • The out of office auto reply must be deactivated on the day you return to work.