Login Manifesto

How to get started and use dropbox correctly

This 'How to' is designed to ensure that new dropbox accounts, existing accounts, new folders and dormant folder are set up and managed correctly.

all staff must ensure the required level of quality for this procedure is maintained at all times and that all staff, contractors and suppliers that this procedure affects are aware and trained.



Getting Started

  1. If you have a Hotel Hotel email address and don’t have a Dropbox account please send an email to the Dropbox Administrators at [email protected]. The Dropbox Administrators will set one up using your Hotel Hotel email address and invite you to join the Molonglo Group Team Dropbox.
  1. If you have a Dropbox account linked to a personal email, not your Hotel Hotel email: you will need to follow the above procedure in 1 and have a Dropbox account with your Hotel Hotel email set up for you.
  1. If you have already set up a Dropbox account using your Hotel Hotel email address and are not part of the Molonglo Group Dropbox team send an email to the Dropbox Administrators at [email protected].
    • The Dropbox Administrators will invite you to join the Molonglo Group Team Dropbox via email.
    • Once you receive the email please click the “Accept Invitation”
    • Then Under Molonglo Group Dropbox section select “Move stuff to Molonglo Group Dropbox” – Sign in by typing your password and select “Create Molonglo Group Dropbox”.
    • Under Personal Dropbox select “No, thanks. I’ll do this later”.
    • Select “Finish Setup and Get Started”.


Dropbox Folder Migration

  1. The Molonglo Group Team Dropbox needs to be the owner of all folders. If you have created a folder from your own Dropbox account for a work purpose and the Molonglo Group Team is not the ‘owner’ then this folder needs to be migrated to the Molonglo Group Team Dropbox. You will need to follow the below procedures.
    • Sign in to your account on dropbox.com.
    • Invite [email protected] to the folder that needs to be imported.
    • Once MG Dropbox has joined the folder, you’ll need to make them an owner by going to the folder then clicking “Share” then “Invite people to collaborate”, changing the dropdown menu from ‘Can Edit’ to ‘Make Owner’. If you need help with this step, ask one of the Dropbox Administrators.
    • You will then need to complete a Dropbox Folder Request Form so we know who should have access to the folder.

New Dropbox Folder Request

All Dropbox folders must be created by the Dropbox Administrators

  1. Fill in the Dropbox Folder Request Form and email to [email protected]. This is a vital step to ensure our assets and company data are managed correctly.
  2. To allow third parties without Hotel Hotel email address to access a folder please fill in the Dropbox Folder Request Form.


  1. Folders will be recorded in the MG master spreadsheet (Phone & Internet Register of Accounts_working template.xls) with user names and accesses provided to all users.
  2. Only Dropbox Administrators will control this process.
  3. Only Dropbox Administrators will be able to invite anyone including third parties to access a Dropbox folder. This is a global restriction set within the Dropbox account.