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How to manage missed phonecalls

This 'How to' is designed to ensure all missed phone calls are managed and missed phone calls are returned.

all staff must ensure the required level of quality for this procedure is maintained at all times and that all staff, contractors and suppliers that this procedure affects are aware and trained.


  1. Missed calls are an opportunity to communicate with staff, suppliers and guests.
  2. An orange light comes of the phone when a call has been missed.
  3. To review, press the orange light and then press unanswered calls as below

3. The next screen shows you if it was external or internal.

4. The next screen shows you who you missed the call from and allows you to call them back by pressing the relevant button – in the example below 2 missed calls – 1 from Paul Ward at 10:34am and one from 6264 at 9:30am.

5. Once you press the button you can either “Recall” the number, “Delete” this call only or “Delete all” missed calls.