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How to take phone messages for a colleague

This 'How to' is designed to ensure that phone messages are recorded and delivered effectively.

all staff must ensure the required level of quality for this procedure is maintained at all times and that all staff, contractors and suppliers that this procedure affects are aware and trained.


  1. All phone messages are delivered by email. Notes on desks can get lost, are often missing date and time information. Verbal messages may come at an inopportune time resulting in the caller not being called back.
  2. Always get the name, company, telephone number and reason for the call (many people state the staff member already has their phone number but generally always ask for the number as this is more efficient).
  3. Always note if the message is urgent
  4. Subject line and the body of the message must be formatted as follows;
    • Subject Line: PHONE MSG | Please all Suzi at Molonglo Group on +61 2 96287 6170 (name, company, phone in international format)
    • Body of Message: She is chasing up X2 additional set of keys for Apt 704 at New Acton East.