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How to transfer calls to a colleague

This 'How to' is designed to ensure that the phone calls are transferred between staff efficiently and professionally.

all staff must ensure the required level of quality for this procedure is maintained at all times and that all staff, contractors and suppliers that this procedure affects are aware and trained.


  1. When transferring a call, let the caller know who you will be transferring them to and why.
  2. To transfer a call there are multiple options:
    • Type the receivers initials, then push the “initials” button
    • Type the receivers first name (or part of) and push “name – 1st name” button
    • Type the receivers last name (or part of) and push the “name” button
    • Type the receivers numerical extension
  3. Before transferring a call you await an answer from the receiver
  4. Announce the caller you are wishing to transfer (“Good afternoon Jonathan, I have Sam from Balloons Aloft on the line for you – may I transfer them”)
  5. Await instruction from the receiver if they would like to receive the call
  6. To transfer the call, hang up the phone
  7. To return to the caller (if the receiver is unavailable to take the call) press the “enquiry off” button
  8. Inform the guest that the receiver is unavailable and proceed to take a message. Refer to the How to take phone messages for colleagues.