Login Manifesto

How to request new copy

This ‘How to’ is designed to ensure that all Hotel Hotel copy across every platform is composed to standard.

all staff must ensure the required level of quality for this procedure is maintained at all times and that all staff, contractors and suppliers that this procedure affects are aware and trained.


  1. If you need to copy to describe Hotel Hotel or Monster kitchen and bar please refer to and copy the text in the Hotel Hotel descriptions master asset. This has been done for you and there is no need rewrite anything. These descriptions will be revised and refreshed annually by the DIRECTOR OF BRAND AND WORDS.
  2. If you need copy for a particular piece of work that will be circulated publicly such as a piece of marketing collateral, an awards entry, a website entry, a media interview etc, you need to consult with and / or brief your request to the DIRECTOR OF BRAND AND WORDS using the New copy brief template.
  3. Please ensure you are forward planning. The creation of good copy needs head space. Please do not request copy for the ‘next day’.
  4. Under no circumstance should words become public or published without the approval of the DIRECTOR OR BRAND AND WORDS.
  5. When it comes to matters of copy the DIRECTOR OF BRAND AND WORDS has the final say.
  6. The DIRECTOR OF BRAND AND WORDS has full authority to request that published words are retracted, removed or resupplied should this process not be followed and words not be to standard.